We have collected the most relevant information on Dua For Wudu Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Dua after wudu(wazoo) audio in arabic,urdu,english ...
Read and listen to masnoon dua after wudu(wuzu). Wudu krny k bad ki dua. Supplication before ablution in arabic.easy dua after wuzu for kids. Dua after wudu ...
7.Dua for Wudhu (Ablution). - YouTube
Learn the prayer to read at the begining and throughout Wudhu (Ablution) , taught to us by the best of creation,our beloved prophet Muhammad ﷺ (Sallalahu Al...
Dua For Wudu (Before Wudu and After Wudu) - My Islam
According to other sources there are 2 more Duas you can recite after finishing wudu. But the 2 mentioned above are the easiest to start using right now since already know them by heart. Transliteration: Allaahummaj’alnee minat-tawwaabeena waj’alnee minal-mutatahhireen.
Duas to be recited during Wudhu(Ablution)
Duas to be recited during Wudhu (Ablution) Upon looking at the water, it is recommended to say the following: بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ وَبِاللّٰهِ اَلْحَمْدُ لِلّٰهِ الَّذِىْ جَعَلَ الْمَاۤءَ طَهُوْرًا وَلَمْ يَجْعَلْهُ نَجِسًا۔ Bismillahi wa billahi wal hamdu lil lahil lazi ja'alal ma'a tahura wa lam yaj alhu najisa.
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