We have collected the most relevant information on Dynaudio Bm5a Vs Focal. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Dynaudio BM5A or Focal Alpha 65 - Gearspace.com
Focal Alpha 80 vs Dynaudio BM5a MKII vs MKIII - …
My subjective preference between the Alpha 65 and any of the BM5's would be in favor of the Focal. I perceive the Focal to have more clarity and a better balance between lows, mids and highs. The balance makes it easier for me to gage e.g. how loud the bass is compared to the vocals; I struggle a bit with this in the BM5s.
Dynaudio BM5A MKII vs Focals CMS50 ?? - Hardware ...
Dynaudio BM5A MKII vs Focals CMS50 ?? Anything about hardware musical instruments. Moderator: KVR Moderators (Main) 7 posts • Page 1 of 1. Ferio. KVRist 32 posts since 12 Mar, 2010 Post by Ferio » Mon Aug 30, 2010 10:20 am Hi Guys, This is probably subject number one hundred million but i could not really find a good answer to my question. ...
Focal vs dynaudio - Audiogon Discussion Forum
not ford vs chevy -- more like citroen vs volvo :) more seriously, listen to scott at verdant - his advice is solid focal is warm mids but with plenty high end energy, dynaudio more neutral, bit cooler presentation, also with clear extended treble need strong and lovely sounding amplification (expensive) to get the best from these speakers
Monitoring Vs Hi-Fi speaker : Dynaudio BM5 MKIII / Focal ...
Comparaison entre une paire d'enceinte Hi-fi (Focal Aria 906) et monitoring (Dynaudio BM5 MKIII) dans une pièce de vie.Tracklist : - Massive Attack - Angel 0...
Dynaudio BM5A MkII - Sound On Sound
By contrast, the BM5A MkII was both full‑sounding, yet tight and smooth. It reproduced reasonably faithfully synth, acoustic and electric bass parts, as well as kick drums and the lower registers of pianos and organs. If you really do want to increase the bass extension, Dynaudio's BM9S or BM10s subwoofers should prove to be the perfect ...
Dynaudio vs. Focal - Audiogon Discussion Forum
Hi - first post here and trying to decide between the twice as expensive Dynaudio Special 40 and the Focal 906 bookshelf speakers. I've heard both (in different systems, different dealers) but since a month went by in between visits, I cannot say for sure that the Dyn S40s sounded twice as good and warrant paying $3,000 vs. $1,500 price tag.
KRK VXT4 + 10s vs Adam A7X vs Dynaudio BM5A MKII vs Focal ...
Dynaudio BM5A MKII u$s 2100. Adam A7X u$s 2100. Focal CMS50 u$s 1600. Focal CMS65 u$s 2100. It's for listening music on my desk with my computer. I need a non fatiguing system, i listen music 4 o 5...
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