We have collected the most relevant information on Eelco Grimm Checkpoint Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Checkpoint Audio — Eelco Grimm | Last.fm
Checkpoint Audio by Eelco Grimm
Eelco Grimm (Author of Checkpoint Audio)
Grimm Audio - Driven to Improve
Who is Who - Grimm Audio
Death of a Dead Room | Grimm Audio
Together with Onno I once worked on a book plus CD’s called “Checkpoint Audio” and in memory of Onno and the Hilversum anechoic room I will offer a track of that as a present. This track was a recording Onno made in the famous Vienna Musikverein with two miniature DPA 4060 microphones in a standard 40cm AB setup. ... Eelco Grimm. Download ...
Eelco Grimm co-author of PSR paper for AES | Grimm Audio
On the initiative of Eelco Grimm, five professionals from the audio field joined forces to write an ‘e-Brief’ for AES that proposes the introduction of a new loudness measurement called “PSR”, the Peak to Short-Term loudness ratio. Companies from the authors (RTW, Nugen Audio, MeterPlugs) had implemented such meters and Eelco saw the need forread more >
6moons audio reviews: Podium Sound Model 1
After a day, we put in Eelco Grimm's Checkpoint Audio test CD. Eelco is one of the four collaborating Dutch top audio engineers -- Bruno "class D" Putzeys, Guido "DIY" Tent and Peter "tubes" Van Willenswaard are the others -- and he put together a really worthwhile pair of test CDs, unfortunately though the accompanying book is in Dutch. While playing some of the test tracks …
Eelco Grimm Archives - Part-Time Audiophile
Florida Audio Expo. Florida Audio Expo 2019; Florida Audio Expo 2020; CES/CEDIA. CES 2013; CES 2015; CES 2017; CEDIA 2018; Lone Star. LSAF 2019; New York. New York 2012; New York 2013; New York 2014; New York 2019; International Auto Show 2015; Rocky Mountain. RMAF 2010; RMAF 2011; RMAF 2012; RMAF 2013; RMAF 2014; RMAF 2015; RMAF 2016; RMAF 2017;
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