We have collected the most relevant information on Egosys Audiotrak Prodigy 192. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Download Audiotrak PRODIGY 192 Driver 5.2 for Windows 2K ...
Download Audiotrak PRODIGY 192 Driver 5.2 (Sound Card) AUDIOTRAK is the consumer products division of ESI (EGOSYS, Inc), an industry leader in providing innovative digital audio interfaces to the professional and project studio markets.
Prodigy 192 User's Guide - download.esi-audiotechnik.com
1. Introduction to Prodigy 192 PRODIGY 192 is the premier audio upgrade for PC users with demanding audio needs. PRODIGY 192 features a 24-bit 192 kHz coaxial output and a 24-bit 96 kHz optical output, with pro quality 24-bit 96 kHz A/D converters and 24-bit 192 kHz D/A converters for analog input and output at 104 dB dynamic range.
Audiotrak Prodigy 192 Sound Card & Multimedia & MP3 ...
Downloads 7 Drivers and Manual for Audiotrak Prodigy 192 Sound Card & Multimedia & MP3. Here's where you can downloads the newest software for your Prodigy 192.
ESI - Download: Prodigy 192
ESI - Download: Prodigy 192 Download The download area of our website contains driver and software utilities for AUDIOTRAK products that used to be made and sold by ESI. You can also find manuals in this section. Please select the product via the selection on this page first, a list with all available downloads will automatically appear below.
ESI - Product Archive: Prodigy 192
The Prodigy 192 supports the DirectWIRE? function that is provided by EWDM supported products from AUDIOTRAK. This unique feature will simplify the hassles of wiring externally for inter-driver/inter-application audio data transfer. Especially when you use software synthesizers or virtual instrument, DirectWIRE will help you to simplify your setup.
Audiotrak Prodigy - Sound On Sound
The audio performance is respectable for a budget multi-channel PCI card, but the Audiotrak Prodigy 192's biggest selling point for the PC software studio is affordable access to the excellent EWDM/Direct Wire technology. information Prodigy 192 £99.99; MI/ODI/O add-on card £50.00. Prices include VAT. Audiotrak UK +44 (0)870 765 9880.
Product Archive: Prodigy HD2 - ESI Audio
Prodigy HD2 supports 192 kHz at 24-bit with a sensational dynamic range of 120dB (a) for playback - no other hardware in this price range provides this high level of output quality. Even better: the hardware is equipped with 3 OpAmps on sockets, this makes it possible to swap and exchange the OpAmps based on specific requirements.
Esi - EgoSys Audiotrak Prodigy 7.1 -:-:- FUTURE STYLE ...
Esi - EgoSys AUDIOTRAK PRODIGY 7.1 A PC audio solution for gamers, DVD movie fans, music lovers, DJs 2 analog inputs and 8 (4 x stereo) outputs feature 24-bit 192 kHz D/A converters and 24-bit 96 kHz A/D converters for analog I/O with 106 dB dynamic range plus 24-bit 96 kHz coaxial input and output connectors.
AUDIOTRAK友の会 Part10 [ EGOSYS Prodigy ]
AUDIOTRAK友の会 Part10 [ EGOSYS Prodigy ] 何でこのスレに…. なかったことになりました. 定期保守. x64 7だとVista用ドライバ使えた気がするが8だとどうかな。. VIA driver 5.70A. はじめてオペアンプを交換したが…想像以上に足が脆くて一個ダメにしてしまったっわ ...
Audiotrak PRODIGY HD2 EEPROM Flashing - My Digital …
Listening on a 2.1 system consisting of a Klipsch Promedia Ultra sub and (2) Klipsch RSX 5 speakers, all I can say is, Wow. Better than that, I have the Prodigy 7.1 HiFi card which sounds even more powerful even with the same op-amps in a 2.1 arrangement using the v.1.02 Prodigy Panel loaded onto Win7.
Now you know Egosys Audiotrak Prodigy 192
Now that you know Egosys Audiotrak Prodigy 192, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.