We have collected the most relevant information on Ejamming Audio Interface. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.

Audio Interfaces - eJAMMING

    If your audio interface does not natively sample at 44.1kHz, then you need to download ASIO4ALL and put a checkmark in "Always resample 44.1kHz to 48 kHz Please send any additions or corrections to TechSupport@ejamming.com

eJAMMING AUDiiO – The Collaborative Network for Musicians ...

    Up to 4 musicians connect together in a Session. PC and Mac (sorry, not Linux at this time) High Fidelity CD-quality 16-bit live audio. CD quality recording and playback (44.1 kHz/up to 24 bit) Record up to 16 Audio and 16 Midi tracks. Near zero latency feel on …

eJamming - Piano World Piano & Digital Piano Forums

    Yes, there is an up-front cost to purchase an audio interface, but this is minimal. Like anything, you can get crazy expensive, but there is no real need. One of my session guests said he spent a whole $30 on an interface. I suspect that type of interface only allowed for one port and as a keyboardist, u will probably want 3 ports.

A Case for Network Musical Performance - ResearchGate

    The Musical Digital Interface (MIDI) engineering specification offers a lower bandwidth alternative to real-time audio for the transmission of musical gesture data over the Internet (MIDI over IP).

Moodle in English: Moodle for Music

    The good old Audacity - for beginners maybe it is the best choice with the simple interface; Ardour - digital audio workstation; Ejamming - to create a distance band; Indaba Music - the same; Band in a box - quite cheap and great software; Improvisor - …

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