We have collected the most relevant information on Elgato Audio Stutter. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Question / Help - Elgato Game Capture HD60 S stutters when ...
Question / Help - Elgato HD Audio Stuttering Problem | …
These drivers, in conjunction with OBS 0.65 should finally fix the audio desync issues some of you have been experiencing when streaming with your Elgato Game Capture HD60's or HD's. To get these new drivers, uninstall the current version of the Elgato Game Capture software, and download the new version. - Download 2.1 for Windows 7/8.
Audio stuttering with a HD60 Pro : ElgatoGaming
Elgato Gaming Support contacted me and provided a solution: The problem could be related to a sample rate conversion from 44.1 kHz to 48kHz. Right-click on the Speaker in the lower-right hand corner of Windows and click on Sounds. Go to the "Recording Devices" tab. Right click on the first device and go to Properties.
Elgato HD60 Pro Video & Audio Stuttering & Choppy (even in ...
Elgato HD60 Pro Issue: Constant video and/or audio stutter/lag. This happens in preview (simply viewing it, not recording or streaming) and it is also present in the final recordings/exports. The video feed being picked up by software stutters in that it appears to momentarily freeze or judder every few seconds, leading to a choppy video.
How to fix freezing and stuttering issues with the Elgato ...
I purchased my Elgato Game Capture HD 60 S from Amazon, and I couldn't get it to work properly. If you have stuttering, lag, freezing or power issues with th...
Elgato Game Capture HD60 S – OBS Studio Setup – Elgato
Inside of the Audio menu inside of Settings, we will want to be sure that Sample Rate is set to 48Khz. Our Elgato Game Capture devices natively operate at 48Khz. Setting this to 44.1Khz can cause audio stutter, audio drifting over time, or other anomalies. Our devices capture audio in Stereo and do not support surround sound. Set Channels to Stereo. Devices
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