We have collected the most relevant information on Elna Rjh Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
E-First 5pcs 16V 3900uF 16V3900uF ELNA RJH …
ELNA - HIFI Audio Vacuum Tube youdaelectronics.com
1PC ELNA 120UF 35V 35V 120U RJH AUDIO Grade Electrolytic Capacitors 85℃ 8×12mm $ 1.99 $ 2.99. Add to Wishlist. Quick View. Sale. 1PC ELNA 4.7UF 50V CE-BP AUDIO Grade Electrolytic Capacitors 85℃ 8×12mm $ 0.69 $ 2.99. Add to Wishlist. Quick View.
MINIATURE ALUMINUM ELECTROLYTIC CAPACITORS RJH Standard Ratings 5x11.5 5x15 6.3x11.5 6.3x15 8x12 8x15 8x20 10x12.5 10x16 10x20 10x25 10x30 12.5x15 12.5x20 12.5x25 12.5x30 12.5x35 12.5x40 16x16 16x20 16x25 16x31.5 16x35.5 16x40 18x16 18x20 18x25 18x31.5 18x35.5 18x40 E3 E4 F3 F4 G3 G4 G5 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 J 4 J 5 J 6 J …
capacitors: panasonic FC vs elna RJH vs rubycon ZA ...
Hi! The german audio DIY distributor Schuro (www.schuro.de) says that Panasonic FC are better (for audio purposes) than Elna Cerafine in nearly all regards (faster, better reproduction of details).And also high end DIY provider Thel (www.thel.de) nowadays only uses the FC series.I always order FC for my projects, only if a specific value is not available as FC, I …
RJH Miniature Aluminum Electrolytic Capacitors
RJH 32646 Elna Pages 64-79 11/16/98 11:43 AM Page 76. 77 This catalog printed in U.S.A. on 4/00. Specification and dimensions in this catalog are subject to change without notice. If necessary, drawings can be provided. 0.47 1 2.2 3.3 4.7 5.6 8.2 10 12 18 22 27 33 39 47 56 68 82 100 120 150 180 220 270 330 390 470 560 680 820 1000 1200 1500 ...
RJH - Elna
Capacitors | ELNA CO., LTD.
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