We have collected the most relevant information on Empty Dvd Drive Shows As Audio Cd. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Solved: My DVD drive shows as Audio CD | Tech Support Guy
had the same issue, where an empty optical drive was showing as an audio cd, but the problem went away after I installed the latest Intel Rapid Storage drivers from Asus' site. The update to version solved that issue for me.
Some DVDs show as blank after upgrade to windows 10 ...
Some DVDs show as blank after upgrade to windows 10. This is 100% the operating system, NOT a hardware problem. This is a purchased disc, NOT a writable disc that was burned on a burner. (It is a school lesson video) Here are the facts . Computer read a specific DVD with video content fine, played the video and shows in explorer with folders for …
Solution to Successfully Burned CD or DVD Shows Blank ...
Setting recording speed in Windows Vista and 7. 1. Insert a blank CD and drag whatever files that you want to burn to the drive. 2. Click “Burn to disc” button. 3. You get to select the recording speed in Burn to disc window. As you can see, Vista and 7 have improved on the disc recording by letting the user choose the burn speed before ...
Empty optical drive indicates it has audio cd - Windows 7 ...
Windows 7: Empty optical drive indicates it has audio cd. I have a windows 7 64 bit computer with a Plextor blu ray DVD drive. When I start the pc or reboot, the drive indicates it has an audio cd in it even though it is empty. If I put a cd in it, it will not autoplay. If I then open the drive and close it, it will auto play from then on and ...
DVD-RW drive reads as blank CD drive when disc is inserted ...
Ok im having this problem on 2 desktops. The drives are both DVD-RW drives. They show up properly in device manager and in my computer. That is, untill I stick a disc in it.
[Fixed] My DVD Drive Does not Recognize Blank Disc. | …
My dvd drive reading used disks as blank Solved - Windows ...
My dvd drive reading used disks as blank. My dvd drive is unable to read some of the dvd's and all cd's (so far) nd shows them blank. My laptop is about 2 yrs old. There was no problem reading disks until some days ago. It is able to read all dvds written by it but cannot read any of the cds even written by it.
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