We have collected the most relevant information on Emu 0404 Vs M-Audio 2496. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Emu 0404 - Sound on Sound
EMU 0404 or Audiophile 2496 is better? | Forum
E-MU has a history with hardware synths, samplers, PC audio interfaces and romplers. Creative makes "gamingcards" aimed for the game industry. I own an old "E-MU APS" (which i don´t use anymore) and the "Proteus X" (0404 with the Proteus 2000 soundmodule sounds) which i don´t use either mainly because i need audio in/outs...
E-MU 0404 v Terratec EWX 2496 - a short comparison ...
The EWX 2496 is said to be pretty much in the ballpark of the M-Audio Audiphile 2496, Terratec DMX 6-fire, Phase 22, and maybe a few others. The EWX uses the AK45254 DAC, which I guess is an older AKM DAC to the AK4395 used in the EMU 0404.
ap 2496 or Rme digi96 or emu 0404/1212??? | Headphone ...
When I did A/B of Audiophile 2496 and the EMU 0404, the AP 2496 had slightly better detail and a much more natural sound (in other words, it doesn't color the sound - it's just natural) - the EMU 0404 was colored, and I only want coloration from my headphones and amp. Plus, M-Audio has MUCH better drivers, support, and features.
Emu 0404 - Sound on Sound
However, it's the dynamic range measurements that are most remarkable: at an astonishing 112dBA, this is an amazing 16dB better than M-Audio's Audiophile 2496, 12dB better than the M-Audio Firewire 410, and 4dB better than Echo's Mia. Only when you compare it with Emu's own 1212M and 1820M do its results fall behind by about 6dB.
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