We have collected the most relevant information on Enabling Optical Audio Xbox 360. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Xbox Support
Xbox 360 and Digital Optical Audio - Microsoft Community
I recently picked up a Sound Bar, and have connected my Xbox 360 to it using a digital optical audio cable. In the Xbox 360 system settings, everything works as expected with I choose Dolby Digital 5.1 output. However, when I select "Digital Stereo", I do not always hear the system interface sounds (the sounds that play when navigating menus ...
Optical output on Xbox 360 ? | AVForums
Apr 13, 2007. #2. The slot is on one of the cables that go into the back of your 360, somebody correct me if iam wrong but i think its the component part, there is a small little port for you to plug your opctical cable into. Hope this helps. Xbox …
How to get Xbox 360 working with 5.1 sound? Please help ...
1. left and right audio adapters from the Xbox 360 go to the 5.1 system. 2. optical audio cable is going from the Xbox 360 to the 5.1 system. 3. front left …
Xbox Support
Xbox Support
Xbox Support ... cargando
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