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Endangered Audio Research
Your Custom Text Here. Pedals; Eurorack; 5U; Tabletop; Pro Audio; Artists; About; Wait Lists; View fullsize
The Gristleizer - Endangered Audio Research
The Endangered Audio Research Gristleizer Stompbox was the first and only authorized production run of The Gristleizer stompbox ever made. Blessed by both Roy Gwinn and Throbbing Gristle, the Gristleizer stompbox brought everything great about the Gristleizer Tabletop to a …
Spectravibe - Endangered Audio Research
The Endangered Audio Research Spectravibe is an all-analog multi-effect pedal that is about to become your pedalboard's new secret weapon. Based off the retired Gristleizer stompbox, the Spectravibe is a new evolution in modulation and distortion that is destined to become the pulsating heart of your rig. Features: Tremolo; Vibrato; Rotary Cab Simulator
Endangered Audio Research AD4096 Analog Delay …
Endangered Audio Research AD4096 Analog Delay endangeredaudioresearch.com The small footprint means there’s no room for a battery, but since delays suck nine volts down like a sailor on leave swilling beer, it’s a minor concern. A mini-toggle above the knobs switches between normal and infinity modes—perhaps the secret sauce of this delay.
Endangered Audio Spectravibe - The Gear Page
That means the AD4096 mk2 is not and will not be done anytime soon. As history dictates from every “reverb.com update” over the last year these pedals will not be done anytime soon. Over a year wait with the false promises of a finished product over and over.....As a pre-order guy I am really disappointed in endangered Audio Research
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