We have collected the most relevant information on English Sentences With Audio Using The Word Top. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Top"
Read and Listen To Sentences Using the Word"Top". "Top". This page is part of www.manythings.org/audio/sentences. Click [T] to go to that sentence on tatoeba.org. Click the blue play button to listen. <= Back [322] Next =>. Random Page. [M] [T] He lives at the top of the hill. [M] [T] This book goes on the top shelf.
English Sentences with Audio - manythings.org
English Sentences Focusing on Words and Their Word Families. These pages were created from a collection of 123,378 sentences with audio and also include sentences without audio. The newer project focuses on words and their families, not just words. Also, instead of being limited to 200 sentences per word, all sentences that have a match in my subset of slightly over 300,000 …
Use audio in a sentence | The best 377 audio sentence examples
How to use audio in a sentence. Example sentences with the word audio. ... Audio English mono ... You can print, and in some cases get audio recordings, of the stories, but best results always come from memorizing and retelling the stories with proper intonation for …
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Best"
[M] [T] I'll do my best . [M] [T] We will do our best . [M] [T] You must do your best . [M] [T] Stay calm and do your best . [M] [T] I wish you the best of luck. [M] [T] I'll try my best today, too. [M] [T] Do your best and don't worry. [M] [T] She did her best to …
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "Across"
You can listen to each sentence as you read it. / Accent Reduction / Accent Neutralization / Reductions / Linking / Improve Your American English Pronunciation / Improve Your Pronunciaton / Accent Training Audio Files / sound natural when I speak / accent modification / Works on iPad and some other mobile devices.
English Sentences with Audio Using the Word "To"
Read and Listen To Sentences Using the Word"To". "To". [M] [T] Talk to me! [M] [T] Go to sleep. [M] [T] Give it to her. [M] [T] Give it to him. [M] [T] I'll see to it. [M] [T] It's up to you. [M] [T] Leave it …
audio in a sentence | Sentence examples by Cambridge ...
Examples of audio in a sentence, how to use it. 99 examples: Where consent was provided, interviews were recorded with audio and/or…
(Audio Lessons) 100 Common English Phrases and Sentence ...
(Audio) 3000 Most Common Words in English - Meaning …
FREE English Lessons - 3000 Most Common Words in English. In the following section, you will find around 3000 free lessons for the 3000 most commonly used words in English. Each lesson consists of the definition (meaning) of the word, the audio pronunciation, and many example sentences with high-quality audio.
100 English Sentences Used in Daily Life - English Grammar ...
Sentences examples, 100 English Sentences Used in Daily Life English Sentences Used In Daily Life There are some stereotypes that are used in daily life, at work, at school, in the hospital and many more. If we are just learning English, learning these stereotypes will add fluency to us when we live in English-speaking countries, speaking English in daily life.
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