We have collected the most relevant information on English Torah Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
The Torah - Audio Classes - Chabad.org
Audio | 49:29AdvancedMatan Torah: Rational Mitzvot. By Yehuda Leib Schapiro. This class explains the significance of the logical and mundane laws of the Torah and the special connection of these mitzvot to the general theme of the giving of the Torah. Listen Download.
The Torah - English Version - YouTube
Kehila Mesiánica Gozo y Pazhttp://www.gozoypa.mx
Amazon.com: The Torah: The JPS Audio Version (Audible ...
The JPS TANAKH: The Jewish Bible, audio version, is a recorded version of the JPS TANAKH, the most widely read English translation of the Hebrew, or Jewish, Bible. Produced and recorded for The Jewish Publication Society (JPS) by The Jewish Braille Institute (JBI), this complete, unabridged audio version of the Torah features over 14 hours of readings by seven narrators.
The Torah: The JPS Audio Version by The Jewish …
The JPS TANAKH: The Jewish Bible, audio version, is a recorded version of the JPS TANAKH, the most widely read English translation of the Hebrew, or Jewish, Bible. Produced and recorded for The Jewish Publication Society (JPS) by The Jewish Braille Institute (JBI), this complete, unabridged audio version of the Torah features over 14 hours of readings by seven narrators.
Daily Audio Torah | Doorway to the Aleph Tav ~ Audio Torah ...
Journey through the entire bible in one year with a focus on the biblical calendar, Sabbath and Feasts, and the Torah reading cycle. Listen every day and you will be through the Torah portion for that week! This website and ministry is dedicated to Yeshua our Messiah, our Redeemer, our Savior, our King, our betrothed. To Him be all the glory!
Torah Portions
Free Jewish MP3 Torah Audio Downloads | Judaism
MOST POPULAR AUDIO & VIDEO The Mystery of the Jews (movie) A Rational Approach To The Divine Origin of Judaism (video) Rational Approach To Divine Origin of The Oral Tradition (video) Inner World - Defining One’s Role In Life Why Be Jewish? (video) Personal Growth Vol. 1 - The Secret of Happiness (Part 1) The 7 Wonders of Jewish History
Audio Hebraic Bible - Master's Touch Music
Freely Available (donations encouraged) Hebraic mindset mp3 audio files of the Torah Portions, daily segments IN ENGLISH with Hebrew Letter Music and Hebrew Voice in the background (optionally available with no background). Audio Scriptures are NOT JUST FOR THE BLIND - - - Use them during WORKOUTS, IN CARS, LISTEN WHILE YOU WORK.....
Torah in English and Hebrew-Transliterated - Shalom Haverim
Torah-תורה - means "instructi o n'' or ''teaching''. The Torah, or Jewish Written Law, consists of the five books of the Hebrew Bible - known more commonly to non-Jews as the "Old Testament" - that were given by G-d to Moses on Mount Sinai and include within them all of the biblical laws of Judaism. The Torah is also known as the Chumash, Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses.
Audio Bible in Hebrew - torahclass.com
Audio Bible in Hebrew. Here are complete and accurate Hebrew voice recordings of every Old Testament book. They are not chanted with a melody (as in a formal synagogue service) but instead are clearly pronounced in Sephardic-style modern Hebrew so that by hearing, you may learn how to properly vocalize the words.
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