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Epik High translations - Tumblr
Epik High - End of the World (feat. G-Soul) True Crime (feat. Miso) True Crime (feat. Miso) Epik High - True Crime (feat. Miso) hi beautiful people!! hope you have enjoyed the new album and the translations so far. it is 3:30am where I am and I kinda wanna sleep uwu and also tumblr is blocking me from uploading more than 6 songs at a time.
#EPIK-HIGH on Tumblr
See a recent post on Tumblr from @chinesehyung about EPIK-HIGH. Discover more posts about EPIK-HIGH.
Epik High translations
As far as I’m aware, Tukutz doesn’t write lyrics. However, his role as Epik High’s producer and DJ plays an immense role in shaping the group’s core musical identity, i.e. hip-hop - this can be seen by how the only ‘hip-hop’ track on Tablo’s solo album, Fever’s End, is the one featuring Tukutz.. Apart from producing tracks, Tukutz’s other participations include: singing the ...
Epik High translations
Epik High translations. A blog dedicated to English translations of Epik High's lyrics. ... epikhightrans@tumblr. Posted on 19 October 2012 Tagged: epik high . 99 . don't hate me . tablo . mithra jin . dj tukutz . text post bc audio post limit.. OTL . g. apinchofhappiness liked this . asianthinspopo liked this . mintjasias liked this
Epik High translations — Epik High - AMOR FATI (Feat. Kim ...
Epik High - AMOR FATI (Feat. Kim Jongwan of Nell) Click on ‘Read More’ for translations. Tablo: God doesn’t love me. I’ve got some anger to burn. Forget a confession. Just pass me the ashtray. Inhale, exhale. Curses precede the smoke. If I dirty my body and my mouth, hell, maybe I’ll think of you. You’re my sleeping pills, my caffeine.
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Song : Lullaby For A Cat Artist : Epik High Album : Sleepless In _____ ... Enjoy your stay~ Audio posts of Korean music. Blog created 4 August 2013. This is a side blog. Archive. Tell me (your wish~) Taglist. Mar 11,2019 / 829 Lullaby For A Cat Epik High Sleepless In Underscores english releases . Lullaby For A Cat Epik High ...
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