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ERIC A DISPARU (AUDIO TELECHARGEABLE) (Chat Noir. Lire Et S'entrainer) (French Edition) Paperback – January 14, 2014 French Edition by Cideb Editrice S.R.L. (Author) 62 ratings See all formats and editions Paperback $26.81 5 New from $14.13 Rare book Print length 80 pages Language French Publisher Editorial Vicens Vives Publication date
Éric a disparu [with Audio CD] by Régine Boutégège
Éric a disparu [with Audio CD] by Régine Boutégège Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Start by marking “Éric a disparu [with Audio CD]” as Want to Read: Want to Read Want to Read Rate this book 1 of 5 stars 2 of 5 stars 3 of 5 stars 4 of 5 stars 5 of 5 stars Éric a disparu [with Audio CD] by Régine Boutégège, Susanna Longo
ERIC A DISPARU (BOOK/FREE ONLINE AUDIO) Where’s Éric? He hasn’t come home from school. Has he run away? Has he been kidnapped? Éric’s parents are very worried, but the Police Commissioner is able to solve the mystery in his own unique way. Includes a playscript. Softcover, 5-3/4" x 8-1/4", 80 pages. Level A1 Book with Free Audio ...
Éric a disparu – Language Learning
Éric a disparu Author: Régine Boutégège, Susanna Longo Publisher: Cideb Black Cat ISBN: 9788853007612 Date: 2007 Pages: 80, 6 Format: PDF, MP3 Size: 26MB Level: A1. Où est Passé Eric ? Il est six heures du soir et il n’est toujours pas rentré. Au lycée, personne ne l’a vu. Ses parents sont inquiets…
Éric a disparu. Buch + Audio-CD: Französische Lektüre für ...
Éric a disparu. Buch + Audio-CD: Französische Lektüre für das 1. und 2. Lernjahr [Boutégège, Régine, Longo, Susanna] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Éric a disparu. Buch + Audio-CD: Französische Lektüre für das 1. und 2. Lernjahr
A1 - Éric a disparu | World of Reading, Ltd.
Paperback 80 pages and audio cd. Éric a disparu by Régine Boutégège and Susanna Longo. A1. Where’s Éric? He hasn’t come home from school. Has he run away? Has he been kidnapped? Éric’s parents are very worried, but the Police Commissioner is able to solve the mystery in his own unique way. Includes a playscript. Paperback 80 pages and audio cd.
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