We have collected the most relevant information on Erminia Claudio Superintendent. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Superintendent Erminia Claudio Archives - EFB
Tag: Superintendent Erminia Claudio. 18 Comments. Portelos vs DOE. Why we lost at trial. By Francesco Portelos August 25, 2016 April 19, 2017 Uncategorized. In case you haven’t heard by now, my federal lawsuit did not end the way we wanted it to. By “we” I do not mean just me, my lawyers and family, but rather “we” as also a countless ...
suprintendent erminia claudio Archives - EFB
Wait! Not so fast. Don’t go too far former Chancellor Dennis Walcott and former Superintendent Erminia Claudio. Some of you might have read that I filed a Federal lawsuit against Principal Linda Hill, the NYC Department of Education, The City of NY and former Chancellor Dennis Walcott.
Claudio's Coincidental Calendar - Bad at Hiding ...
Was NYC DOE District 31 Superintendent Erminia Claudio just really bad at hiding retaliation. You might have already read a little about our bizarre history HERE. To the Claudio Calendar! See this strange sequence of events. Click to Enlarge. By the way, her recollection of how the first meeting went and what I recorded were a little different.
Not So Fast Former Chancellor Walcott - EFB
At all times relevant herein between January 2012 and August 2013, Defendant Erminia Claudio was the superintendent of Staten Islands District 31, a district within the New York City Department of Education. All defendants routinely conduct business within the Eastern District of New York. STATEMENT OF FACTS
erminia claudio Archives - Educator Fights Back
NYC DOEs Million Dollar Cover-Up of a Staten Island Principals Theft. By Francesco Portelos February 22, 2015. February 26, 2015 Uncategorized. With a budget of over $25 billion, an employee roster of over 136,000 and over 1,400 buildings to manage, there is plenty of room for theft and corruption at the New York City Department of Education.
A loss for PS 6 is a gain for the Island's schools - silive
Erminia Claudio, principal of PS 6, Richmond Valley, has been chosen to serve as Staten Island's superintendent of elementary and middle schools. (Staten Island Advance File Photo) STATEN ISLAND,...
Francesco Portelos Challenges Superintendent Erminia ...
Dear Superintendent Erminia Claudio, I was summoned to your District 31 office for a disciplinary meeting last . Friday May 3rd. At the meeting I indicated that I would like to exercise my . right as a citizen and record the conversation. You indicated that I cannot.
Donald Conyers is named interim superintendent of …
Ms. Claudio was appointed superintendent in 2010. Prior to that she served as principal of PS 6, Richmond Valley, for five years.
Greek-American Teacher Portelos Claims he was Falsely ...
Portelos, former tech teacher at Dreyfus Intermediate School (I.S. 49) in Stapleton, sued former Principal Linda Hill and former Superintendent Erminia Claudio, for the retaliation he suffered after exposing Hill’s overtime abuse.
ERMINIA CLAUDIO, DISTRICT SUPERINTENDENT IN HER OFFICIAL AND INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, Defendants. -----:x 12-CV-3141 (LDH) (VMS) PARTII: SUBSTANTIVELAW I. First Amendment Retaliation Claim Plaintiff alleges that he was retaliated against for engaging in "protected" speech ...
Now you know Erminia Claudio Superintendent
Now that you know Erminia Claudio Superintendent, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.