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Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9 Headphones Review - Reviewed
Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9 Reviews :: Headphone Reviews
setup: Cowon A2 MP3 player (320 kbps mp3's), Earcandy mini-mini, Ray Samuels SR-71 amp, ATH-ESW9. The bass is AWESOME. so deep and powerful but the driver must weigh next to nothing because it is very accurate. So powerful that they will overwhelm your music if you like to crank the bass. However this is only just a possibility.
Amazon.com: Customer reviews: Audio Technica ATH …
Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for Audio Technica ATH-ESW9 | Earsuit Portable Headphones (Japan Import) at Amazon.com. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users.
Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9 Sovereign Wood Headphones - Reviews
I purchased the Audio Technica ESW9a. These have African Paduak shells rather than the cherry of the Japanese release. The ESW9a is made in Japan. Physical: First, these are most definitely not circumaural headphones. The pads have a slope, the outside edge of which extends to the tops and bottoms of my ears (medium size) if positioned just so.
Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9 Headphones Review - Reviewed
The ATH-ESW9s were capable of 117.37 decibels, which is really close to the 120dB cap we put on this section. Anything above 120dB is going to seriously hurt your ears, so something like the ATH-ESW9s should be fine. If you're feeling dangerous, check out something like the Grado SR60s, which were capable of a dangerous 123.13dB.
Top Ear Review - Audio-technica ATH-ESW9 | Headfonics ...
The ESW9 also has fairly decent soundstage, not too wide nor too closed in, everything is just right and same goes for it’s instrument separation and imaging – it just has the right amount of detail without being too analytical. Of …
Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9 Headphones Review - Reviewed
The ATH-ESW9s had good tracking overall. They start out slightly loud in the left channel, but 2 decibels isn't a noticeable amount. After that it dips down to favor the right channel by 2 decibels, making a 4-decibel shift that also won't be noticed by the average user.
Amazon.com: Audio Technica ATH-ESW9 | Earsuit …
Reviewed in the United States on January 29, 2017 Verified Purchase Really good quality earphones, after trying these you'll never go back to being able to listen to low quality headphones. Sounds even better quality than when the artist is actually there. Fairly noise isolating and super soft and comfortable.
Mini-Review: Audio-Technica ATH-ESW9 and Denon AH-D2000 ...
ATH-ESW9 - Sound Relative to Audio-Technica's ES7, I found the ESW9 to be the darker headphone. Not that I would call it "dark" per se, only in comparison. It had a noticeable mid-range focus, even more than the ES7. However, where I find the ES7 to have focus on the upper mids, the ESW9 had focus on the lower mids.
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