We have collected the most relevant information on Europarl Audiovisual Service. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Press services and audiovisual ... - European Parliament
The European Parliament’s press service provides journalists with accurate and unbiased information on parliamentary activities and offers practical and technical assistance. Our press officers are available to brief media professionals on specific files around Parliament’s legislative agenda and inform them about the audio-visual offer at ...
Press contacts | News | European Parliament
The European Parliament’s press service provides journalists with accurate and unbiased information on parliamentary activities and offers practical and technical assistance. Our press officers are available to brief media professionals on specific files on Parliament’s legislative agenda and inform them about the audiovisual offer at their ...
Audiovisual facilities | News | European Parliament
Audiovisual facilities. We offer support and a state-of-the-art infrastructure to media professionals covering parliamentary activities, providing both content and technical facilities for video, radio, multimedia and photo production. If you are an audiovisual journalist you can book studios and other technical facilities or request the help ...
Assistance for audiovisual journalists | News | European ...
The European Parliament offers audiovisual services and facilities to media professionals, free of charge. To find out more, you can contact one of the audiovisual press officers.
European Parliament Multimedia Platform
The European Parliament provides support for media professionals covering parlamentary activities, providing both content and technical facilities for video, radio, multimedia and photo production. Our programming consists of a mix of live events, news summaries of EP activities, illustrative stockshots and coverage of key events, including ...
Audiovisual | Newsroom - Europa
European Parliament - EP Live. EuroparlTV. Council of the EU - Video library. Council of the EU - Video streaming of public sessions. Council of the EU - TV Newsroom. Presidency of the Council of the EU – Video gallery. European Commission. Europe by satellite (EbS) Audiovisual Service - …
10:00:10. EC Stockshots on Ukraine. Ukraine is a priority country for the European Union. The EU and Ukraine signed an Association Agreement in 2014, including provisions for a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA). Large parts of the Association Agreement have been ...
European Parliament Multimedia Platform
Schedule of the day 15 results. recorded. 24/01/2022 13:45 - 14:00. Committees.
Latest videos - European Parliament
New rules for the audiovisual media . EU affairs - 2018-09-26 08:00:00.0 . ... EuroparlTV is the European Parliament's web video service, aiming at informing EU citizens about the Parliament's activities and how its Members shape political developments and pass laws that affect people's lives across Europe.
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