We have collected the most relevant information on European Audiovisual Observatory Statistical Yearbook. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Yearbook | Accueil
Access and download a country’s audiovisual landscape and indicators. Search. FILM-PROD Number of theatrical feature films produced in Europe (2016-2020) FR - France / France / Frankreich. FILM-BU Average film production budgets (2016-2020) GEN-PROD Gender in film production - LUMIERE statistics (2016-2020) HU - Hungary / Hongrie / Ungarn.
Statistical Yearbook: Cinema, Television, Video and New ...
Statistical Yearbook: Cinema, Television, Video and New Media in Europe [European Audiovisual Observatory] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Statistical Yearbook: Cinema, Television, Video and New Media in Europe
Latest information from the Observatory
Yearbook Online Service 2021. A UNIQUE SOURCE OF DATA on: • television • film • video • on-demand audiovisual services in 40 European countries and Morocco. Published: 16/11/2021 400 tables featuring more than 25 000 figures 40 country fact sheets Data from 2016 to 2020. More. Price: 370 € (click here for details)
All publications - Latest information from the Observatory
European Audiovisual Observatory on behalf of the European Commission, Strasbourg, 2015 (Downloadable from the European Commission's website) ... Yearbook 2014 - Television, cinema, video and on-demand audiovisual services - the pan-European picture Publication available on our online shop
Statistical Yearbook: Cinema, Television, Video And New ...
Our writing service has a Statistical Yearbook: Cinema, Television, Video And New Media In Europe|European Audiovisual Observatory convenient functionality Statistical Yearbook: Cinema, Television, Video And New Media In Europe|European Audiovisual Observatory for selecting work and you can find what you need! Our work experience allows us …
Initial research by the European Audiovisual Observatory suggests the audiovisual sector lost over 10% of its revenues in 2020 compared to 2019, and close to 15% excluding on-demand services. This, in turn, translated into a loss in financing of original European production of over EUR 3 bn (for the EU27 only), and EUR 2 bn excluding sports.
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