We have collected the most relevant information on Evidence Audio Patch Cable. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Solderless Patch Cable - Evidence Audio
Product Description. Evidence Audio introduces the perfect 1/4″ Phone plug for use with its award-winning Monorail signal cable. As used by David Gilmour, Noel Gallagher, Graham Coxton, Ed O’Brien of Radiohead, Josh Smith, Guthrie Govan, Andy Timmons, Guy Pratt, Steven Rothery, and many others. The perfect combination of: Monorail sound quality.
Evidence Audio Patch Cable Kits - The GigRig
Evidence Audio's Monorail Solid Core, Solder-Free Cable Kits. Perfect kits for your switching set up and pedal board. We've created multiple different kits to accompany each of our switching systems with the exact amount of plugs and enough cable to fit your board. Reliable and easy to assemble with the smallest plugs on the market, letting you make use of every inch of your board.
Evidence Audio
SIS Plugs have revolutionized solderless patch cables! Read More. “I have recorded my new album Memory Crash with 15 different guitars, 10 different Amplifiers, 30 efx pedals, and 1 guitar cable, the Evidence Audio Lyric HG. Honestly there is no better guitar cable available. It’s all about translating the true tone of your guitar and pickups.
Solderless Patch Cables | Evidence Audio
Showing all 2 results ... SIS Screw in Solderless™ 1/4″ Phone Plugs $ 1.25 – $ 7.95
Evidence Audio SIS/Monorail Solderless Patch Cable Kit 5 …
Show details. Hide details. Choose items to buy together. This item: Evidence Audio SIS/Monorail Solderless Patch Cable Kit 5 ft. $78.35. Only 12 left in stock - order soon. Ships from and sold by Prymaxe Music Supply. 10 - Evidence Audio SIS Plugs (Screw In Solderless) - (by E.A.R.S. PRO AUDIO) $89.00.
Solderless Patch Cable Kit - Evidence Audio
1) REMOVE the thin black (conductive) skin from around the white insulation. If it touches where the conductor needs to enter, you’ll create a complete short or partial short with weak signal. 2) Attach the first plug to your longer supply of cable before cutting to length. Measure length required to the other plug.
Amazon.com: evidence audio cable
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