We have collected the most relevant information on Exact Audio Copy Freedb Http Error. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
What’s new » Exact Audio Copy
EAC now uses FreeDB exclusively, to update your server list, use the “Get active FreeDB server list” function Interpolation – Replace Frequency works fine now (I am quite satisfied with it now EAC is able to use LAME.EXE (.MP3) and MPPDEC.EXE (.MP+ and .MPC) for decompression and for on-the-fly writing of CDs.
Exact Audio Copy Freedb(Database) problem? | Headphone ...
It works. Gets around the problem of the ISP filter borking the HTTP request. To use TOR/Vidalia set EAC freedb access to use a proxy server. Proxy Server: Port: 8118 (the default HTTP port for TOR/Vidalia) Your little program probably uses less resources than TOR/Vidalia and less complicated to set up.
EAC can't access FreeDB.org anymore | Headphone Reviews ...
There was a recent thread on similar freedb problems with EAC: Exact Audio Copy Freedb(Database) problem? Two solutions/workarounds mentioned there The EAC Freedb Fixer utility Using Player to read CD data from Gracenote, export it to cdplayer.ini, then read cdplayer.ini from EAC. I still haven't given the EAC Freedb Fixer utility a try.
FAQ » Exact Audio Copy
For Windows Vista go to Start, Control Panel and then click Programs and Features. In the Currently installed programs box, choose “Exact Audio Copy” and press the Change or Change/Remove button. Follow the dialogs that are shown on the screen, confirm that you really want to uninstall EAC from your computer.
Freedb.org - server error? | Steve Hoffman Music Forums
On my old computer, if nothing came up on freedb through Exact Audio Copy (EAC), I used to be able to open MusicMatch, which would get the info through whatever database it uses, then I would get that information into EAC by selecting "Get info from cdplayer.ini" on EAC.
EAC and freedb issue - Hydrogenaudio
EAC and freedb issue. Reply #2 – 2007-05-20 18:22:47. Here is a workaround, using Gracenote CDDB with EAC. First, download & install the freeware, Player. Perform the CDDB lookup with Player and export the info as "cdplayer.ini." Then import it into EAC (database=>get CD information from=>cdplayer.ini.) pjmachine.
settings-exact-audio-copy/exact-audio-copy-configuration ...
Use Proxy Server for HTTP access = OFF: On a connection error, retry query using a different server from the list = OFF: EXPORT (Leave at default settings) BUGS: CTDB Plugin does not work under WINE: VERSION: 3.3: AUTHOR: Benjamin von der Weiden <[email protected]>, Leo Bogert <[email protected]> WEBSITE: http://pro-rip.org/settings-exact-audio-copy
Exact Audio Copy
Exact Audio Copy is a so called audio grabber for audio CDs using standard CD and DVD-ROM drives. The main differences between EAC and most other audio grabbers are : It works with a technology, which reads audio CDs almost perfectly. If there are any errors that can’t be corrected, it will tell you on which time position the (possible ...
Tips & Tricks » Exact Audio Copy
To determine the offset, you need an already copied audio CD where the WAV files were extracted with 0 offset. Now extract the same range (somewhere in the middle of a track) with your prefered audio drive of the original and the copied CD. When extracted both files call compare WAV files and have a look at the number of the first missing ...
How to resolve “File Creation Error !” from Exact Audio ...
I use the wonderful Exact Audio Copy (EAC) software to rip my CDs to FLAC files, as part of moving our music collection onto a media server. I had just uninstalled version 0.99pb3 (this thing has been “pre-beta” and version 0.99 for years!) and installed version 0.99pb5 .
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