We have collected the most relevant information on Experienced Audiophiles From. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Need some advice from experienced 'Audiophiles' out there ...
Need some advice from experienced 'Audiophiles' out there. General Discussion. Page 1 of 2 1 2 Next > Jun 30, 2020 #1. kiwigtx Henchman #4 Staff Member FBBO Gold Member. Messages: 24,726 Likes Received: 52198. Joined: Jun 12, 2012 Location: NZ - the newest 3rd World Country Local Time: 7:01 AM.
Help experienced audiophiles - Audiogon Discussion Forum
Help experienced audiophiles. Hi Guys! I want to find a more versatile Cables. For a wide range of music Rock Blues Jazz Classics....Tell us your observations .. Cables I look. Argento- Kubala- Echole- Elrode-Stealth.Share.Perhaps there are still good options Cables. klip 11-29-2012 10:49am.
The Audiophile Experience
The Audiophile Experience. Reports and opinion pieces from audiophiles. These could be opinion pieces written from a personal perspective about the …
The Obsessive, Compulsive Audiophile - Dagogo
These terms only appeal to the subconscious programming of experienced audiophiles. The fact is music does not sound warm, dynamic, cold, fast, tight or compressed. Music sounds like music played by live musicians on real musical instruments…period! So, if one likes the sound tubes do to distort musical reproduction, which is generally a ...
Curious - what do experienced audiophiles think of pro ...
Curious - what do experienced audiophiles think of pro audio production/monitoring gear as opposed to high end listening gear like you generally see here? I understand that the market and uses are different, but do things like the studio reference monitors/headphones or room acoustic treatment get a respectful nod from the audiophiles, even ...
Attracting experienced "speaker audiophiles" to head-fi ...
I've just posted in another thread about how it would be nice if we could somehow attract a greater number of more experienced audiophiles to head-fi, especially in terms of their participation in the forums concerning general audio topics, but also to …
Now you know Experienced Audiophiles From
Now that you know Experienced Audiophiles From, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.