We have collected the most relevant information on Extended Audio Description. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
The Ultimate Guide to Audio Description - 3Play Media
Understanding Success Criterion 1.2.7: Extended Audio ...
Extended audio description can provide the additional information needed to understand the video. Examples. Example 1. Video of a lecture. A physics professor is giving a lecture. He makes freehand sketches on the whiteboard, speaking rapidly as he draws. As soon as he has finished discussing one problem, he erases the drawing and makes another ...
What is Extended Audio Description, and When Do You Need It?
The work for extended audio descriptions is slightly different from when creating standard audio descriptions. The task is not limited to the video’s natural pauses. In this process, the program or software lets you pause the video content to give you time to add the description as needed by the specific video clip.
Do You Need Standard or Extended Audio Description?
Extended Audio Description. As I alluded to before, cases like a complicated physics lecture with few natural pauses, but that contain a lot of visual content, can be tricky. With this type of content it is best to use extended audio description.
What is Extended Audio Description, and When Do You Nee...
Extended audio description. Adding an audio description is more challenging for more complicated videos, such as university lectures, with more visual content than lengthy pauses. With this type of video, the most suitable option is extended audio description, so look for trustworthy extended audio description services.
Now you know Extended Audio Description
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