We have collected the most relevant information on First Audio Cassette 1962. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio Cassette - The 60's
Audio Cassette - The 60's
The Philips Company of the Netherlands invented and released the first compact audio-cassette in 1962. They used high-quality polyester 1/8-inch tape produced by BASF. Recording and playback was at a speed of 1.7/8 inches per second.The next year in the U.S. sales began of the Norelco Carry-Corder dictation machine that used the new cassette tape.
History of the Cassette Tape – Legacybox
Who Invented the Audio Cassette? – Southtree
What was the first audio cassette you bought ...
Ahhh. Those were the days. Life was simple and cassette tapes rule! The Cassette Tape, or Compact Cassette, was first developed by the Philips company in 1962 in Belgium. Philips released the invention to Europe at the Berlin Radio Show on August 30, 1963; the invention was released in the United States in November of next year. Up until then, listening to …
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