We have collected the most relevant information on Flash Actionscript Audio Control. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Sound and ActionScript in Adobe Animate
Use Flash Behaviors and ActionScripting to Control Audio ...
Open the Actions panel (F9), choose Global Functions > Timeline Control and double-click the stop action to add it to the Script pane. This action tells the playhead to stop when it gets to Frame 2. We have added this script to stop the playback head when it reaches Frame 2.
Sound and ActionScript in Adobe Animate
In the dialog box that appears, do one of the following: Enter the linkage identifier and the instance name of the sound you want to play or stop, and click OK. Click OK to verify that you want to stop all sounds.
Flash Tutorial: How to Add Sound or Music Using Actionscript 3
1. First, you need to import a sound file into your Library, and then allow it to export by actionscript. Call the class something relevant, for example bg_music. The Base class should be flash.media.Sound. 2. In your actionscript layer we first need to allow Flash to import the basic sound class. Near the start of your AS write: import flash.media.Sound;
Now you know Flash Actionscript Audio Control
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