We have collected the most relevant information on Flash Actionscript Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Sound - Adobe ActionScript® 3 (AS3 ) API Reference
In Flash Player 10 and later and AIR 1.5 and later, you can also use this class to work with sound that is generated dynamically. In this case, the Sound object uses the function you assign to a sampleData event handler to poll for sound data. The sound is played as it is retrieved from a ByteArray object that you populate with sound data.
Flash Tutorial: How to Add Sound or Music Using Actionscript 3
Sound and ActionScript in Adobe Animate
Use the Sound object in ActionScript 2.0 to add sounds to a document and to control sound objects in a document, including adjusting the volume or the right and left balance while a sound plays. For more information, see Creating sound controls in Learning ActionScript 2.0 in Flash. Select the sound in the Library panel.
flash - Cutting sound in actionscript - Stack Overflow
flash actionscript-3 audio. Share. Follow edited Jul 17 '13 at 12:01. dakshbhatt21. 3,418 3 3 gold badges 30 30 silver badges 38 38 bronze badges. asked Jan 17 '12 at 15:22. shredding shredding. 4,765 3 3 gold badges 39 39 silver badges 68 68 bronze badges. Add a comment | 1 Answer Active Oldest Votes. 0 ...
Adobe Flash Platform * Playing sounds
Your application can listen for this event and take appropriate action, as shown below: import flash.events.Event; import flash.media.Sound; import flash.net.URLRequest; var snd:Sound = new Sound (); var req:URLRequest = new URLRequest ("smallSound.mp3"); snd.load (req); var channel:SoundChannel = snd.play (); channel.addEventListener (Event.SOUND_COMPLETE, …
linkage sound to actionscript in flash cc - Adobe Support ...
Hi, i have an issue, maybe i dont understand the process well. - I imported a short mp3 in flash cc library. - I try to linkage it to actionscript, but i can' t. - If i click on the sound file, and choose properties, there is no checkbox to export for …
Stop Audio - Pixel Street Studios
Whenever audio is added, it continues to play until it hits the end of the audio clip or you tell it to stop. Tutorial Elements. Audio file (mp3) in an external folder. Button with instance name of stopAudio_btn. Step One. In a new flash document, add two new layers. Step Two. Name the top layer Actions, the next layer Audio and the bottom layer Button.
flash.media.Sound (ActionScript 3.0)
注意:ActionScript 3.0 的 Sound API 与 ActionScript 2.0 不同。在 ActionScript 3.0 中,将无法采用声音对象并在层次结构中对其进行排列以控制其属性。 使用此类时,请考虑 Flash Player 安全模 …
Flash Actionscript 3.0 Download - evercafe
The first version with support for the AMF and RTMP protocols which allowed for on demand audio/video streaming. Flash Player 7: Additions include CSS styling for text and support for ActionScript 2.0, a programming language based on the ECMAScript 4 Netscape Proposal [7] with class-based inheritance. However, ActionScript 2.0 can cross compile to …
Flash Sound On/Off Button - SmartWebby
Flash Sound On/Off Button On-off button in Flash Actionscripting for Sound/Music files. This Flash tutorial teaches how to play and stop... Introduction. While working in Flash with sound/music files you will find it really necessary to use a sound on/off... Preparing buttons, importing your sound ...
Now you know Flash Actionscript Audio
Now that you know Flash Actionscript Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.