We have collected the most relevant information on Fm Audioscrobbler Plugin. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
foobar2000: Components Repository - Audioscrobbler
foo_audioscrobbler is a Last.fm/Audioscrobbler component for foobar2000 1.0. Features: - It works independent of the Last.fm client application. - It supports the current submission protocol. - It sends now playing notifications to your Last.fm profile. - Optionally, it can import played tracks from your iPod via the foo_dop component.
Last.fm API - Audioscrobbler
Please visit http://www.last.fm/apihttp://www.last.fm/api
Last.FM Scrobbler Plugin Info - MediaMonkey Wiki
Option 1: gen_audioscrobbler.dll (v 1.1.10) This is the last 'old style' plugin for winamp 2 compatible clients. This plugin uses a config panel normally accessed via Tool > Options > Player > General Plugins > Plugin Config. ... Native MM last.fm plugin ...
XMPlay Last.fm/Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
I am very happy with this plugin too. I am still using the 0.2 version of the plugin since the crashes happen very rarely for me. I noticed that on the first iteration of the plugin a file called xmp-scrobbler.txt was generated in every directory I played files from, but …
XMPlay Last.fm/Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler)
Author Topic: XMPlay Last.fm/Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler) (Read 721643 times) Philippe. Posts: 43; Re: XMPlay Audioscrobbler plugin (xmp-scrobbler) « Reply #50 on: 10 Apr '06 - …
Last.fm plugin hasn't been working
I just finally figured out that the Last.fm Audioscrobbler plugin has stopped working. I think it's because last.fm changed their authentication and basic username/password auth no longer works from applications. Am I the only one still using this? Also I can't seem to searcn for "last.fm" in the search functionality here. So I can't really tell.
Florian's foobar2000 stuff - Mp3tag
foo_audioscrobbler. Jun 4, 2010. foo_audioscrobbler is a Last.fm/Audioscrobbler component for foobar2000 1.0. Features. It works independent of the Last.fm client application. It supports the current submission protocol. It sends now playing notifications to your Last.fm profile. Optionally, it can import played tracks from your iPod via the ...
Pidgin Last.fm Plugin download | SourceForge.net
Download Pidgin Last.fm Plugin for free. This Pdgin plugin displays information from your Last.fm / Audioscrobbler profile in your user info on the various IM networks Pidgin supports. The most important information might be the recently scrobbled song.
Track My Music | Last.fm
Make listening count with the Last.fm App. Track the music you stream and access personalised listening reports, stats, and charts. All on the go. Access to your Last.week and Last.year listening reports. View your personal artist, album, and track charts from all- time to the last 7 days. Explore your listening history.
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