We have collected the most relevant information on Fmod Audio Input. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Resonance Audio with FMOD in Unity – Alessandro Famà
Resonance Audio Soundfield effect in FMOD Change the master track input channels to four channels: FMOD Master Track Input Channel setting Play back the event using the Studio Event Emitter component or by playing audio by writing code. Move your head. You should be able to hear the spatialization taking effect. Using Audio Rooms with FMOD in Unity
audio - Microphone Input Playback (Fmod studio API ...
FMOD::DSP *fader; channel->getDSP(FMOD_CHANNELCONTROL_DSP_FADER, &fader); fader->setMeteringEnabled(true, true); FMOD_DSP_METERING_INFO preFaderMeter, postFaderMeter; fader->getMeteringInfo(&preFaderMeter, &postFaderMeter);
How to get microphone input event - FMOD Forums
FMOD and Unity’s audio won’t interact because they are completely separate systems and generally you would only want to use one or the other. You can use FMOD to record input from a microphone, although at the moment it is only supported through the API, ie. System::recordStart. There is an example in our API download but not for C# at this point.
Impact Documentation - Road Turtle Games
You can create a new FMOD Audio Interaction by going to Assets > Create > Impact > FMOD > FMOD Audio Interaction. The FMOD Audio Interaction has the following properties that relate to FMOD: Collision Event – The FMOD event to trigger when processing single-impact collisions. This event should consist of one-shot sounds.
Scripting Examples | Programmer Sounds - FMOD
)) {FMOD. Sound dialogueSound; var soundResult = FMODUnity. RuntimeManager. CoreSystem. createSound (Application. streamingAssetsPath + "/" + key, soundMode, out dialogueSound); if (soundResult == FMOD. RESULT. OK) {parameter. sound = dialogueSound. handle; parameter. subsoundIndex =-1; Marshal. StructureToPtr (parameter, parameterPtr, false);}} else {FMOD. …
Now you know Fmod Audio Input
Now that you know Fmod Audio Input, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.