We have collected the most relevant information on Force Edid Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
kernel modules - How to force HDMI audio (intel card) to ...
It requires to rebuild all modules under the linux-source/drivers/gpu/drm/ and add a new boot parameter: drm.edid_firmware=edid/viewsonic.bin After that, the audio output is marked as available and the sound works. So the problem is solved. I hope this patch will be accepted!
RPiconfig - eLinux.org
hdmi_force_edid_audio=1 hdmi_ignore_edid_audio Pretends all audio formats are unsupported by display. This means ALSA will default to analogue. hdmi_ignore_edid_audio=1 hdmi_force_edid_3d Pretends all CEA modes support 3D even when edid doesn't indicate support for them. hdmi_force_edid_3d=1 avoid_edid_fuzzy_match Avoid fuzzy matching of modes …
How to force audio from jack 3.5 modifying config.txt ...
Code: Select all. hdmi_ignore_edid_audio=1. From the command line, https://www.raspberrypi.org/documentati ... -config.md : The following command, entered in the command line, will switch the audio output to HDMI: amixer cset numid=3 2.
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