We have collected the most relevant information on Formato De Audio Mp2 Ou Ac3. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Convertir MP2 a AC3 (Online y Gratis) — Convertio
AC3 x MP2 - digitalFAQ.com Forums [Archives]
só que AC3 tem 2Channels e 5.1 channels. comparando por exemplo (R= right channel -- L= left channel) mp2= 128 = 64R + 64L. AC3-2ch= 128 = 64R + 64L (surround) se estes dois formatos tiverem o MESMO BITRATE (no exemplo usei 12. --> terão o MESMO TAMANHO (size) mas o AC3 tem surround e "dizem" que o som é melhor.
Convertir MP2 a AC3 (Online y Gratis) — Convertio
La mejor manera de convertir tu archivo MP2 a AC3 en segundos. ¡100% gratis, seguro y fácil de usar! Convertio — herramienta avanzada en línea que …
Converter AC3 em MP2 (Online e Gratuito) — Convertio
A melhor forma de converter arquivos AC3 pra MP2 em segundos. 100% grátis, seguro e fácil de usar! Convertio — ferramenta online avançada que …
DVD authoring: choosing between MP2 and AC3 audio ...
So grab some DVD bitrate calculator and maybe you have enough of room. Those 1,5 Mbit is quite a lot. If you encode to AC3 choose say 224kbs (but as was said 192 should be enough also) that is plenty for 2channels. If you go with mp2 audio and say you encode to the same bitrate, in theory, it would be tiny bit worse.
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