We have collected the most relevant information on Freebsd Audio Ports. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
FreeBSD Audio
ports - FreeBSD ports tree
- pichenettes:stm-audio-bootloader:1ec7d6374e2d305cb710170eb80de9b66e795792:pichenettes_stm_audio_bootloader/plugins/AudibleInstruments/eurorack/stm_audio_bootloader \
Chapter 7. Multimedia | FreeBSD Documentation Portal
FreeBSD supports a wide variety of sound cards, allowing users to enjoy high fidelity output from a FreeBSD system. This includes the ability to record and play back audio in the MPEG Audio Layer 3 (MP3), Waveform Audio File (WAV), Ogg Vorbis, and other formats. The FreeBSD Ports Collection contains many applications for editing recorded audio, adding sound effects, and …
FreeBSD Audio
Open Sound System (or OSS for short) on FreeBSD is no exception to this rule, so there are 3 most common devices for every API: /dev/dsp, /dev/midi and /dev/mixer. The most basic usage for /dev/dsp is to open (2) it, use ioctl (2) to configure sample rate and format and then use read (2) and write (2) for recording and playback.
audio - Freebsd software
Pc-mixer - QT5 based audio mixer for FreeBSD; Pd-cyclone - Pd library of clones of Max/MSP 4.5 objects; Pd - MIDI-capable real-time audio processor/synthesizer; Pear-text_spell_audio - Generates a sound clip saying the contents of a string of characters; Penguinsap - Command-line Atari(TM) .sap player; Pianobar - Command-line Pandora online …
About FreeBSD Ports | The FreeBSD Project
The FreeBSD Ports and Packages Collection offers a simple way for users and administrators to install applications. The Ports Collection supports the latest release on the FreeBSD-CURRENT and FreeBSD-STABLE branches. Older releases are not supported and may or may not work correctly with an up-to-date ports collection.
praat « audio - ports - FreeBSD ports tree
index: ports 2014Q1 2014Q2 2014Q3 2014Q4 2015Q1 2015Q2 2015Q3 2015Q4 2016Q1 2016Q2 2016Q3 2016Q4 2017Q1 2017Q2 2017Q3 2017Q4 2018Q1 2018Q2 2018Q3 2018Q4 2019Q1 2019Q2 2019Q3 2019Q4 2020Q1 2020Q2 2020Q3 …
new user, thoughts on setup and troubleshooting audio ...
Edit to add tl;dr: I solved an audio problem, but perhaps my solution is not the best way. Advice about sound servers or in general about how to manage customizations to ports would be welcome. The rest of this is just observations and thoughts. ------ …
audio/aqualung: Music player with rich features - FreshPorts
People watching this port, also watch:: p5-Unicode-CheckUTF8, ap24-mod_auth_pgsql2, gaupol, mkvtoolnix License: GPLv2+ Description: Aqualung is an advanced music player originally targeted at the GNU/Linux operating system. Today it is also running on FreeBSD and OpenBSD, with native ports to Mac OS X and even Microsoft Windows.
audio/pulseaudio: Sound server for UNIX - FreshPorts
Port details: pulseaudio Sound server for UNIX 14.2_3 audio =19 14.2_3 Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. Maintainer: [email protected] Port Added: 2006-10-14 08:37:06 Last Update: 2021-09-15 15:43:25 Commit Hash: bfcd467 People watching this port, also watch:: libdrm, libSM, iso-codes, glib, libXinerama License: LGPL21 Description:
FreshPorts -- audio/faudio: Accuracy-focused XAudio ...
Port details: faudio Accuracy-focused XAudio reimplementation 21.01 audio =0 21.01 Version of this port present on the latest quarterly branch. Maintainer: [email protected] Port Added: 2019-02-26 22:24:25 Last Update: 2021-05-01 17:55:55 Commit Hash: 6707a3c License: ZLIB Description: FAudio is an XAudio reimplementation that focuses solely on developing fully …
Now you know Freebsd Audio Ports
Now that you know Freebsd Audio Ports, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.