We have collected the most relevant information on Ft-101e Audio Mods. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
FT-101 Mods - AM Window
FT-101 Audio Modifications. by Bob - N1UJS. These mods worked beautifully on my FT-101E. They came to me from Eric, WB2CAU, who got them from Mark, WA1FAF who got them from the Master himself WA1HLR. Seventy-three and I hope these are a help to many. Transmit Modifications PB-1315: Change R2 from 47k to 4.7 M for crystal mic (D-104, etc.)
FT-101 Audio Modifications - Amfone
FT-101 Audio Modifications (1/1) Steve - K4HX: FT-101 Audio Modifications by Bob - N1UJS These mods worked beautifully on my FT-101E. They came to me from Eric, WB2CAU, who got them from Mark, WA1FAF who got them from the Master himself WA1HLR. Seventy-three and I hope these are a help to many. Transmit Modifications PB-1315:
[AMRadio] The Yaesu FT101E, Good Radio for AM
FT-101 Audio Modifications "These mods worked beautifully on my FT-101E. They came to me from Eric, WB2CAU, who got them from Mark, WA1FAF who got them from the Master himself WA1HLR. Seventy-three and I hope these are a help to many" http://www.amwindow.org/tech/htm/ft101.htm It is an excellent radio for AM. You really should …
mods.dk - Articles for Yaesu 'FT-101'
CW filter installation for FT-101ZD: 02 Dec 2000: Audio hum in Yaesu FT-101 ZD: 19 Jul 1998: FT-101 Mod for 30-meter (10MHz) Transmit: 19 Jul 1998: Replace finals in FT-101E: 19 Jul 1998: FT-101 series, convet 11 meter to 12 meter: Click here to …
Yaesu FT-101EX MODS - N8RWS
PB-1315 Audio Unit Mods. Change C45 from 0.1uF to 10uF (25v electrolytic with + towards base of Q9) Remove C39 (0.047uF) Change C43 from 0.01uF to 10 uF (25v electrolytic with + towards of Q9) Change C44 from 220uF to 750-1000uF at 10V. Change C40 from 33uF to 150uF
FT-101 - Fox Tango
FT-101B-E_Service.pdf (72MB) FT-101 6146 Mod.zip (224KB) AM Mods and AM filter install.zip (651KB) Fox Tango 30M mods.zip (2.1MB) G3LLL Clipper info.zip (6MB) FT-101E Schematics.pdf (503KB) Shure 444 desk Mic.pdf (582KB) FT-101 DC-DC Converter Installation.pdf (622KB) FT-101 Relay info.zip (955KB) Cinch-Jones_Plug_Comparison.pdf (43KB)
[Yaesu] FT-101E Modifications, Fox Tango Mods & More
One really cool mod for the FT-101 is simple to do and it's really nice, the FAN Mod. If you were to look at the back of your Heater switch, there are two yellow wires that can be removed and then tied together (They are for the side tone oscillator).
Modifications for the Yaesu FT-101 - Radio mods
Modifications for the Yaesu FT-101. FT-101 series, convet 11 meter to 12 meter. Converting 11 Meter band to 12 Meters for the Yaesu FT 101 series .. Although this procedure hardly qualifies as a "mod" (too easy), it iscertainly useful for the FT 101 series owner. Conversion to the 12 meterWARC band is as simple as replacing a crystal.
Antique Radio Forums • View topic - Yaesu FT-101E audio issue
A scope would be very handy for pinpointing the failure point to trace whether it is a loss of audio from the product detector output or lack of either signal or BFO injection to the product detector. There is a fairly small number of components associated with this section of …
Copper Talk: 11 meter transmit mod for yaesu ft 101e
theres alot more to moding the ft 101 radios the mode switch needs moded u need a 6khz am filter u need to americanize the tubes cause they dont make the original toshiba tubes so it has to be changed thers more than meets the eye to what needs to be done to thoes radios let alone knowing how to run it & tune it properly or u will have a big pile of expensive junk if u …
Now you know Ft-101e Audio Mods
Now that you know Ft-101e Audio Mods, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.