We have collected the most relevant information on German Book Of Mormon Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
The Book of Mormon Audio [Full] - YouTube
This is the full playlist of the Book of Mormon to anyone who wishes to listen to it on Youtube. (Note: I do not own these videos. They belong to AWitness4Je...
Audio scriptures in German - Tech Forum
There aren't any official recordings of the scriptures in German by the Church. If your device language is set to German (Settings > General > Language and Region > iPad Language > German) you can select the text of the chapter and press "Speak" to have your iPad read the chapter to you.
BatesBunch.com - Das Buch Mormon and The Book Of Mormon ...
Das Buch Mormon and The Book Of Mormon Audiobooks If the church wants to host (or better yet create a better version), please let me know, but …
Book of Mormon Side-by-Side: English | German (German ...
The Book of Mormon Side-by-Side: English | German is a bilingual book for Latter-day Saints in which the two languages are placed next to each other on the same page. The Book of Mormon text is unaltered and only arranged so that the reader does not need to go back and forth between two copies of the Book of Mormon in different languages.
Book of Mormon Project
You can download the audio Book of Mormon in German at Das Buch Mormon. You can download audio files of the Book of Mormon in Russian at Russian Book of Mormon . A senior missionary who recently returned from serving in the Vladivostok Russia Mission said: We recently completed a project which involved members and nonmembers to produce an …
Book of Mormon Audio - The Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon Audio. Listen to the audio files below of this beautiful Testament of Jesus Christ while sitting at your desk, or from the convenience of your home. The promise that is offered by a prophet of God in its closing chapters, is for you, and is true and literal: 3Behold, I would exhort you that when ye shall read these things, if it be wisdom in God that ye should read them, that …
Now you know German Book Of Mormon Audio
Now that you know German Book Of Mormon Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.