We have collected the most relevant information on Getaudioclip Example Java. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
AudioClip in java applet: Load and Playing Sound with …
The getAudioClip () method can only be called in an applet. Under Java 1.2 you can Applications load sound files using the newAudioClip () method of the Applet class. Afterwards the previous example is rewritten for use in an application: AudioClip …
Java Code Examples for java.applet.AudioClip
The following examples show how to use java.applet.AudioClip. These examples are extracted from open source projects. You can vote up the ones you like or vote down the ones you don't like, and go to the original project or source file by following the links above each example. You may check out the related API usage on the sidebar.
[Chapter 14] 14.2 AudioClip Interface
import java.net.*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class AudioTestExample extends Applet{ AudioClip audio1, audio2, audio3; public void init { audio1 = getAudioClip (getCodeBase(), "audio/flintstones.au"); audio2 = getAudioClip (getCodeBase(), "audio/dino.au"); audio3 = getAudioClip (getCodeBase(), "audio/wilma.au"); } public boolean mouseDown (Event e, int x, …
Tutorial de Java - Sonido en Java - UPRH
Y, finalmente, el applet ControlSonido.java, nos permite a través de una interface basada en botones, poder controlar la reproducción de audioclips. El checkbox de carga se usa como indicador para saber cuando el fichero que contiene el clip de sonido a reproducir, se encuentra ya cargado en el sistema. Tu navegador no entiende la marca <APPLET>.
WWW.GetAudioClip, UnityEngine C# (CSharp) Code Examples ...
public static IEnumerator LoadClip (AudioSource audioSource) { WWW www = new WWW ("file://" + tempFolder + "output.wav"); while (!www.isDone) yield return www; AudioClip clip = www.GetAudioClip (false); audioSource.clip = clip; if (clip.length > 0) audioSource.PlayDelayed (0.02f); } Example #10. 0.
How do you add audio to a Java applet? – Roadlesstraveledstore
For this example we will be creating an applet called PlaySoundApplet.java to play sound. There are two buttons to play the sound in Loop and to Stop the sound. How to play a WAV file in applet? In the upcoming code, we are calling a method getAudioClip () of Applet class, which gives us an object of type AudioClip .
Play Audio in Java Applet - Beginners Tutorial for JAVA ...
In this example we have a class AudioClip, which is an abstract class. So, it can't be instantiated directly. But there a method called getAudioClip () of Applet class which can be used to create the object of AudioClip. There are two versions of getAudioClip () function: public AudioClip getAudioClip (URL url)
Java Code Examples for javax.sound.sampled.FloatControl ...
private Clip GetAudioClip(String path) { File audioFile = new File(path); if (!audioFile.exists()) { return null; } try (AudioInputStream audioStream = AudioSystem.getAudioInputStream(audioFile)) { Clip audioClip = AudioSystem.getClip(); audioClip.open(audioStream); FloatControl gainControl = (FloatControl) audioClip.getControl(FloatControl.Type.MASTER_GAIN); float gainValue = …
14: And Then There Were Applets - Java AWT Reference …
import java.net.*; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.*; public class AudioTestExample extends Applet{ AudioClip audio1, audio2, audio3; public void init { audio1 = getAudioClip (getCodeBase(), "audio/flintstones.au"); audio2 = getAudioClip (getCodeBase(), "audio/dino.au"); audio3 = getAudioClip (getCodeBase(), "audio/wilma.au"); } public boolean mouseDown (Event e, int x, …
How do you use getDocumentBase() and ... - Stack …
Gets the base URL. This is the URL of the directory which contains this applet. Sample code: Applet: URL url = getDocumentBase (); AudioClip audioClip = getAudioClip (url, "music/JButton.wav"); Project structure: Share. Follow this answer to receive notifications. edited May 22 '14 at 22:17.
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