We have collected the most relevant information on Gnome 3 Turn Off Pulseaudio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
[SOLVED]How to disable Pulseaudio? / Multimedia and Games ...
Pulseaudio uses ALSA. If you don't want it, just use ALSA alone. There's no point keeping it around if its not being used. Please note however that gnome has a hard dependency on pulse, and the AUR package provide is a workaround for that.
How to Remove PulseAudio & use ALSA in Ubuntu Linux?
sudo apt-get autoremove pulseaudio. 2. Now do a reboot since PulseAudio daemon (system service) is also running from the background. So it’s better to let the OS update everything. 3. Now the next time you login to your Desktop you won’t see the Volume Icon around the system tray area.
pulseaudio - How to turn off battery charging/discharging ...
I have searched for a way, but the answers suggest turning off the alert sound. I have found no option to do so from settings. I have found that gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.sound event-sounds false command will disable alert sound, but I want to turn off charging alert sound only. sound pulseaudio power-management alsa battery. Share.
gnome - pulseaudio-equalizer is not working in Ubuntu 20 ...
So, the pulseaudio-equalizer continue not working. Highlighting, at last I guess there are two important points to be fixed in the Ubuntu 20.04 for pulseaudio-equalizer: Include the qpaeq icon/shortcut in the Gnome Applications after the pulseaudio-equalizer installation. Load the modules module-equalizer-sink and module-dbus-protocol and ...
Bug 749208 – No more pulseaudio ... - bugzilla.gnome.org
Any chance of this getting looked at for 3.18? The workaround of loading module-bluetooth-discover after X11 has already started is working for the time being, but it was a chore to figure out that fix, and it might turn a lot of people off from Gnome/Linux as a viable option for Bluetooth audio.
How use PulseAudio and JACK? | JACK Audio …
Telling PulseAudio which device to use Option 3: route PulseAudio to JACK while JACK is running. Please see this wikipage. Option 4: suspend PulseAudio while JACK is running. If you start JACK using QJackctl, then you should go into its setup dialog and edit the field labelled “Server path”.
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