We have collected the most relevant information on Google Chrome Audio Extensions. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Chrome Audio Capture - Chrome Web Store
Chrome Audio Capture is a Chrome extension that allows users to record any audio playing on the current tab. Multiple tabs can be recorded simultaneously. Recordings can be saved as either .mp3 or .wav files.
Audio Recorder - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome
Audio Recorder is an extension that helps you record audio via your computer's microphone. To work with this addon, please click on the toolbar button to open the interface. To start recording, please click on the - Start Recording - button. The app will ask you to permit microphone access.
Sound Enhancement - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome
One of the better audio extensions for Chrome. Good sound w/o over-processing or clipping. Needs to store and retrieve user presets. Does not conflict All System Equalizer or Dolby Digital Plus Windows 10 add-ons. Nice implementation.
Audio Channel - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome
It would be nice if this didnt override any of my other audio extensions. I use virtual cables from chrome to seperate levels from games I play and this cancels that out. Other than that, everything works, just in default audio devices only.
Audio Downloader Prime - Google Chrome
Audio Downloader Prime is an extension that helps you quickly download popular audio formats right from your browser's toolbar popup. Note: Audio Downloader Prime is NOT working for YouTube website or any other YouTube videos embedded in other websites due to Google, YouTube, and Chrome Store policies and restrictions.
The 20 Best Music Extensions for Google Chrome
chrome.audio - Chrome Developers - Google Chrome
chrome.audio This API is part of the deprecated Chrome Apps platform. Learn more about migrating your app. Description The chrome.audio API is provided to allow users to get information about and control the audio devices attached to the system. This API is currently only available in kiosk mode for ChromeOS. Permissions audio Availability
Volume Booster - Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome
Unleash the power of sound, no matter what speakers or headphones you're using. I made this extension so I could blast music on my laptop. Pick how much louder you want the sound to be on audio from any chrome tab. This will work on any audio coming from any tab, and has been successfully tested on both Mac and Windows.
Audio Only Youtube - Google Chrome
I just did a test using Google Data Saver extension in Chrome. I had it on audio only for 5 mins and then 144p video for 5 mins. At the end of 5 mins with only audio, it used about 8 MB. When I measured again with video, it exceeded 8 MB in under 2 mins.
Chrome Web Store - Google Chrome
Small programs that add new features to your browser and personalize your browsing experience.
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