We have collected the most relevant information on Greek Myths Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Amazon.com: The Greek Myths (Audible Audio Edition ...
Amazon.com: Greek Myths (The Jim Weiss Audio …
Greek Myths (The Jim Weiss Audio Collection) Audio CD – CD, October 1, 2015 by Jim Weiss (Reader) 39 ratings See all formats and editions Audiobook $0.00 Free with your Audible trial Audio CD $14.95 3 Used from $11.99 4 New from $11.67 Reading age 9 - 12 years Language English Grade level Kindergarten - 11 Dimensions 5.7 x 0.4 x 5 inches Publisher
Greek Myths: Tantalus Tantalized | Audio Length: 02:48
There are currently no playlists containing this audio. Shane the Robot here and Episode 38 is about Tantalus, an Ancient Greek king who made a stew out of his son and attempted to feed it to the gods! The next episode be about Ixion, another villain, so stay tuned for more wonderful short stories. Thanks so much for all your support!
Greek Myths by Unknown | Audiobook | Audible.com
Check out this great listen on Audible.com. For thousands of years, these tales have thrilled audiences. In this audiobook, master storyteller Jim Weiss makes mighty Hercules, greedy King Midas, beautiful Arachne, brave Perseus, and dangerous Medusa understandable to children, while emphasizing ch...
Audiobooks matching keywords greek mythology | …
This audiobook includes some of the standard views of Greek myth and history but also tantalizes your imagination with the possibilities that lie behind myth and legend. By the time you are finished with this book, you will have a good appreciation for the nature of Greek mythology and the gods, monsters, and heroes which populate it.
Greek Myths - Audio CD: Amazon.com: Books
Greek Myths - Audio CD on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Greek Myths - Audio CD
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