We have collected the most relevant information on Gullah Audio Bible. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Hear and Read Gullah
Translated to Gullah by Alphonso Brown Listen to the 23rd Psalm in Gullah De Lawd, ‘E duh my sheppud. Uh een gwoi’ want. ‘E meck me fuh lay down een dem green passuh. ‘E Khah me deh side dah stagnant wahtuh. ‘E sto’ muh soul; ‘E lead me …
De Gullah Nyew Testament
The Bible Available in Gullah! De Nyew Testamentis now available in Gullah! It is published by the American BibleSociety. Thefollowing is a sample from John 13:34-35... Annow A da gii oona a nyew chaage. Oona fa lob one noda. Same fashion A …
Gullah New Testament - Apps on Google Play
The New Testament in Gullah (Sea Island Creole) of the United States. Alternative language names: Geechee, Sea Isaland Creole, Gullah [ISO 639 …
Gullah-language Bible now on audio CDs | News | …
Gullah-language Bible now on audio CDs. In this Nov. 17, 2011 photo, Ron Daise, once host of the children's television show "Gullah Gullah Island," reads from a Gullah translation of the Bible, at ...
Amazon.com: gullah bible: Books
The Bible in Gullah
Other resources for the Bible in the Gullah Language; Joshua Project; ethnologue.com; findabible.net; Bible publication dates; First portion was published in 1994.
Gullah New Testament-OE: American Bible Society ...
De Nyew Testament (The New Testament in Gullah) /// This is a great Christian product sourced from BIML - Bible In My Language, the leader in foreign language Bibles and outreach materials from Baltimore, Maryland in the USA. BIML stocks Bibles in more than 600 languages.
Marisa Villarreal “Gullah Bible”
speakers (Gullah-language), it might not be too far off. However, a great victory for the speakers of Gullah occurred in the year 2005 – the translation of the Bible into their language. There were several obstacles that stood in the way of a Gullah translation of the Bible, but it was ultimately a
"Healin fa de Soul," Gullah Bible readings released ...
After 21 years in 2005, the "De Nyew Testament" Gullah Bible was published by the American Bible Society and unveiled at the Penn Center in 2005. The audio includes the voices of 24 Gullah native...
Gullah New Testament
The goal of this site is to make the Gullah New Testament even more accessible, available, and useable than just in print form alone. There are many ways to navigate around a Bible on this site. The index you see on the left (yellow) pane provides a number of ways to find a passage.
Now you know Gullah Audio Bible
Now that you know Gullah Audio Bible, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.