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Gunshy Cure 2-CD Audio Set by Masters Voice. $29.95.
Gunshy Cure Audio 2-CD Set. Includes 2 CDs: Gunshy Cure and Kennel Calm. Copyright 1986, approx. 1 hour 52 minute total runtime Hunters are curing their …
Master's Voice Gunshy Cure Audio CD - Gun Dog
But when mistakes are made and a dog becomes gunshy, it's not pretty, and it's not easy to cure. Master's Voice tapes have been curing gunshyness since 1986 with tapes that gradually reintroduce a dog to the sound of gunfire, via soothing music, Master's Voice's newest offering includes the Gunshy Cure audio CD as well as the Kennel Calm CD of music designed …
Master's Voice Audio CDs -- Gun Shy / Thunder / Noise ...
These gunshy and noise cure CDs from Master's Voice are a great way to calm your scared dogs or frightened puppies and to condition your hunting dogs to gunfire. "I tried all the traditional gunshy cure methods and nothing worked. The Master's Voice system cured my dog's gunshyness easily and quickly. Now I recommend the Master's Voice system to all my readers," …
Gunshy Cure System - Master's Voice
Gunshy Cure System. $ 29.95. The Master’s Voice Canine Training program uses state-of-the-art behavior modification methods. Each audio segment gradually increases the volume of the gunfire, how often the gun fires, and how long the gunfire lasts. It also changes the source of the gunfire as well as the nature of the sound.
How to Cure the Gun Shy Hunting Dog - Willow Creek …
Amazon.com: Gun Shy (Audible Audio Edition): Lili St ...
Gunshy dog: can it ever be cured ... - Totally Gundogs
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