We have collected the most relevant information on Harun Yahya Mp3 Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audio Books
All materials can be copied, printed and distributed by referring to author “Mr. Adnan Oktar”. (c) All publication rights of the personal photos of Mr. Adnan Oktar that are present in our website and in all other Harun Yahya works belong to Global Publication Ltd. Co.
Harun Yahya – Audio Books, Best Sellers, Author Bio ...
Harun Yahya. Born in Ankara in 1956, Adnan Oktar writes his books under the pen name of Harun Yahya. He is a world-renowned man of ideas. Ever since his university years, he has dedicated his life to telling of the existence and oneness of Almighty Allah, to disseminating the moral values of the Qur’an, to the intellectual defeat of ...
Harun Yahya
Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar, Harun Yahya Eserleri, Harun Yahya kimdir, Harun Yahya Sohbetleri. The miracle in the auditory system (MP4) Video (MP3) Audio. SPEAKER: Let’s imagine that you were asked to build a machine that can detect and process sound waves. To do this, you would need many different electronic parts and components. ...
Harun Yahya
Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar, Harun Yahya Eserleri, Harun Yahya kimdir, Harun Yahya Sohbetleri. The Knights Templars and freemasonry (MP4) Video (MP3) Audio. In this film we shall be examining the true origin of Freemasonry, in other words the Knights Templars, which had been kept secret for hundreds of years. To date, a great deal has been said ...
All materials can be copied, printed and distributed by referring to author “Mr. Adnan Oktar”. (c) All publication rights of the personal photos of Mr. Adnan Oktar that are present in our website and in all other Harun Yahya works belong to Global Publication Ltd. Co.
Documentaries. Types Books Articles Websites Documentaries Short documentaries Excerpts from conversations Short videos - Don't miss Interviews of A9 TV Transcripts of selected parts from conversations Adnan Oktar’s What He Said What Happened - video Other Talk Programs Canlılar Dünyası Videos on Returning to Faith in the World Leaders and ...
Harun Yahya
Harun Yahya, Adnan Oktar, Harun Yahya Eserleri, Harun Yahya kimdir, Harun Yahya Sohbetleri ... (MP3) Audio According to our Prophet (saas) in the hadiths, the End Times will be an age of moral degeneration, when hunger and poverty reach desperate levels and when people spend their lives in fear and tension because of anarchy, terror, conflict ...
Videos about specialist, works on specialist - Harun Yahya
Watch and download videos about specialist. Watch documentary films about specialist, what is specialist, video clips of interviews of adnan oktar specialist harun yahya books, works, articles share on facebook, share on twitter
Harun Yahya World - Apps on Google Play
Harun Yahya's works are a total of 45,000 pages of a collection of about 30,000 paintings, which have been translated into 60 different languages. The author's pen name is composed of the names of Harun and Yahya to honor the names of the two prophets fighting against denial. The symbolic meaning of using the seal of the Messenger of Allah on ...
Sex, flies and videotape: the secret lives of Harun Yahya ...
Sex, flies and videotape: the secret lives of Harun Yahya. Muslim creationist, cult leader, Dawkins' nemesis, messiah. Halil Arda tracks down the real Harun Yahya. – By Halil Arda – Wednesday, 9th September 2009. This article is also available in Turkish – Adnan Oktar'nin gercek yuzunu gormek icin, buraya tiklayin.
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