We have collected the most relevant information on Haskell Audio Library. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Applications and libraries/Music and sound - Haskell
Still highly experimental. The project can be regarded as an example of how to create plugins and shared libraries in Haskell without making use of hs-plugins. MPD client library A client library for controlling an MPD server. OpenAL OpenAL (short for Open Audio Library) is a library for creation of a virtual 3D world of sound. ALUT
audio - Sound lib haskell - Stack Overflow
Being on Windows is a major limitation in Haskell audio. Most packages are bindings to C code, and they tend to be either Linux-centric (JACK, Alsa) or at best nominally cross-platform but in practice difficult to build and use on Windows.
Euterpea – A Haskell library for music creation
Euterpea is a cross-platform, domain-specific language for computer music applications embedded in the Haskell programming language. Euterpea is a wide-spectrum language, suitable for high-level music representation, algorithmic composition, music analysis, working with MIDI, low-level audio processing, sound synthesis, and virtual instrument design.
Sound.PortAudio - Haskell
portaudio-0.0.1: Haskell bindings for the PortAudio library. Sound.PortAudio. PortAudio is a cross platform audio library which supports many different operatings systems. Unchanging uniqe identifiers for each supported host API. The values are guaranteed to be unique and will never change. This allows code to be written which conditionally ...
Haskell Free Library & Opera House
The Haskell Free Library is also offering a curbside pickup service, free-of-charge. You are entitled to check out any format of materials from the library, which consists of books, magazines, DVDs, audiobooks, and interlibrary loan materials. To be eligible, you …
WAVE: WAVE audio file IO library - hackage.haskell.org
WAVE format audio file IO library. This library provides Data.WAVE, a module for reading and writing audio files in the WAVE audio file format. See the Haddock documentation for the gory details. This is definitely a simple implementation: a number of "advanced" WAVE features are not supported (such as nonlinear encodings), and non-WAVE audio ...
Now you know Haskell Audio Library
Now that you know Haskell Audio Library, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.