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HD Audio - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
HD-Audio還有AC97所沒有的多音效系統Multi-Streaming功能。 就硬體規格上的功效表現來說,Intel HD Audio具有192kHz 取樣率 、32-bit 解析度 、2(雙)聲道的音質,或者也可以將聲道數增加,但取樣率部分必須妥協折衷,成為96kHz取樣率、32-bit解析度、8聲道的音效組態。
HD Audio Bus Driver - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs
The HD Audio bus driver is the only software component that directly accesses the hardware registers of the HD Audio bus interface controller. The bus driver exposes the HD Audio DDI that its children--instances of the function drivers that control the audio and modem codecs--can use to program the HD Audio controller hardware.
_HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE (hdaudio.h) - Windows …
The HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE structure specifies the information that a client requires to call the routines in the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE version of the HD Audio DDI. Another variant of this DDI is specified by the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL structure. Syntax
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