We have collected the most relevant information on Hdaudio Bus Interface V2. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
_HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 (hdaudio.h) - Windows …
The HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 structure specifies the information that a client requires to call the routines in the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 version of the HD Audio DDI. The interface represented by this structure provides all the functionality of HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE and can also support flexible DMA-driven event notification. Syntax
Obtaining an HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 DDI Object - …
The function driver allocates the storage for the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 structure and includes a pointer to this structure in the IOCTL. In the previous table, the pointer to the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 structure is cast to type PINTERFACE, which is a pointer to a structure of type INTERFACE. The names and types of the first five members of …
Hdaudio.h header - Windows drivers | Microsoft Docs
HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL The HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL structure specifies the information that a client requires to call the routines in the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL version of the HD Audio DDI. Another variant of this DDI is specified by the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE structure. HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 The …
_HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE (hdaudio.h) - Windows …
Another variant of this DDI is specified by the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL structure. The HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE and HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL structures are similar but have the following differences: HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE has two members, AllocateDmaBuffer and FreeDmaBuffer, that are not present in HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL.
ReactOS: sdk/include/ddk/hdaudio.h File Reference
typedef struct _hdaudio_bus_interface_v2 * phdaudio_bus_interface_v2 phdaudio_codec_command. typedef struct _hdaudio_codec_command * phdaudio_codec_command phdaudio_codec_response. typedef struct _hdaudio_codec_response * phdaudio_codec_response phdaudio_codec_transfer.
Microsoft Device Driver Interface for HD Audio
The HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 structure specifies the information that a client requires to call the routines in the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 version of the HD Audio DDI. The interface represented by this structure provides all the functionality of HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE with the added capability of supporting flexible DMA driven event notification.
[wdmaudiodev] Re: hdaudio driver development - FreeLists
https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/drivers/audio/obtaining-an-hdaudio-bus-interface-v2-ddi-object for how to get the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_V2 structure. Once you have the function pointer you can invoke it via pHdAudioBusInterfaceV2->AllocateCaptureDmaEngine(…) syntax. So although the function pointer type is declared in …
winsdk-10/hdaudio.h at master · tpn/winsdk-10 · GitHub
Bit number == SDI line number. // First we define the standard INTERFACE structure ... // To support the Bdl interface... // Additional BDL interface functions. // First we define the standard INTERFACE structure ... // Then we expand the structure with the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_BDL stuff. // interface.
winddk-8.1/hdaudio.h at master · tpn/winddk-8.1 · GitHub
// Then we expand the structure with the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE_PING_PONG stuff. // Many functions are identical (and derived) from the HDAUDIO_BUS_INTERFACE // interface.
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