We have collected the most relevant information on Herron Audio Vtsp 1. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Herron Audio: VTSP-1A/166 Stereo Preamplifier
Herron Audio: VTSP-1A/166 Stereo Preamplifier VTSP-1A/166 (Extended Range) Vacuum Tube Stereo Preamplifier DISCONTINUED front panel rear panel Design Considerations Perfect tracking volume 166-step control system with unprecedented precision and dynamic range Infinite resolution indirect signal path balance control
Herron Audio VTSP-1 preamplifier & VTPH-1MC phono ...
Herron Audio VTSP-1 preamplifier & VTPH-1MC phono preamplifier Michael Fremer | Mar 19, 2000 This is an era in which products and websites are "launched," but in the past two years Herron Audio has sort of oozed its way into the public ear.
SoundStage! Equipment Review - Herron Audio VTSP-1 Line ...
The VTSP-1 is a black box with silver knobs and switches. If you’re looking for the latest in art deco, you’ll have to look elsewhere. The appearance of the VTSP-1 is an uncanny reflection of its designer -- pleasant and understated, and strictly to the business end of things.
Herron Audio VTSP-1 preamplifier & VTPH-1MC phono ...
Fig.1 Herron VTSP-1, frequency response at 1V output into 100k ohms with volume control at unity gain (top) and its maximum (bottom). (0.5dB/vertical div.) Fig.2 Herron VTSP-1, channel separation with volume control at its maximum, from top to bottom: L-R, R-L (10dB/vertical div.).
Herron Audio VTSP 1A Preamplifiers user reviews : 5 out of ...
Herron Audio VTSP 1A Preamplifiers DESCRIPTION - Perfect tracking volume 128 step control system with unprecedented precision and dynamic range. - Infinite resolution indirect signal path balance control. - All-tube design operated conservatively for long life. - Relay input switching eliminates switching distortion.
Herron Audio VTSP-1 preamplifier & VTPH-1MC phono ...
The VTSP-1 line stage uses four 6922 tubes in what Herron describes as a "distortion-canceling arrangement wherein the 6922s are run with their gain close to maximum at specific plate currents in a way that allows the opposing nonlinearities in transconductance and plate resistance to cancel out.
Herron Audio VTSP-1A Preamplifier and VTPH-1MM Phonostage ...
Herron has a stereo/mono switch on the VTSP-1A pre-amplifier. I don’t care personally, but some of the remaining few music-loving audiophiles older than I, are still spinning their 78’s and old mono RCA’s and demand that feature.
Herron Audio: VTPH-1 Phono Preamplifier
Herron Audio, div. of Herron Engineering, Inc. 12685 Dorsett Road #138, Maryland Heights, MO 63043 U.S.A. phone: 314-434-5416. Stereophile Class A Recommended Component ... home contact VTSP-360 VTPH-2A M2 Amplifier cables tubes legacy reviews audio 101 ...
Herron Audio: VTSP-360 Preamplifier
Customer Feedback November 2018 Herron VTPH-2A Phono Stage with VTSP-360 Vacuum Tube Preamplifier - By Bob Craig (Chicago Audio Society): . "Keith, I listened to the two units over the past two Saturdays. I used the phono stage (VTPH-2A upgrade) first on its own last Saturday, and then added on the 360 last night, after running another pre-amp for a bit.
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