We have collected the most relevant information on Hf Radio Audio Files. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Ham Radio Sounds : Ham radio sound samples & DX audio clips
Radio Audio and sound files Some tens of very special audio files recorded during amateur radio activities like aurora traffic, meteor scatter, communications with ISS crew and the sound of various transmission modes that you can hear on HF and …
Audio and sounds files - Astrosurf
Audio and sounds files. Radio amateur communications and other transmissions. Here are some hundreds of amateur radio recordings, including QSO, aurora traffic, meteor scatter, communications with ISS crew and the …
Sounds & spectra - Nonstop Systems
HF PACKET radio is an FSK mode that is an adaption of the very popular Packet radio used on VHF FM ham radio. Although the HF version of Packet Radio has a much reduced bandwidth due to the noise levels associated with HF operation, it maintains the same protocols and ability to "node" many stations on one frequency.
Radio Audio and sound files - Resource Detail - The DXZone.com
some tens of very special audio files recorded during amateur radio activities like aurora traffic meteor scatter communications with iss crew and the sound of various transmission modes that you can hear on hf and vhf bands. Listed under the Internet and Radio/Sounds category that is about Ham radio sounds archives.
Military - HF Global Comm System (Audio File ...
Messages. 3,614. Location. Fort Erie Ontario Canada. Oct 27, 2021. #1. Picked up this audio (file attached) on 8992 khz at 2146 UTC HF Global Comm System 4. This frequency is very busy with number messages today. Steve.
Sounds of the Digital Modes | KV5R.COM
Rabbit-Ears Dipole. Shortwave Frequencies. Texas 2-Meter Band Plan. Amateur Radio Frequency Allocations and Band Plans. Icom 706MkIIG. 706: New Setup. 706: Calibration. 706: Location. 706: Computer Control and Soundcard Interface.
Some Ham Radio Audio Files - Frontier Homepage Powered by ...
Some Ham Radio Audio Files Home KW7Y Live Streaming Audio. Contact with The International Space Station G3FPQ 160M CW G0REK/W7 Darren on Holiday G3HQG Gordon 17M SSB ZS6CCY Bill on 80M SSB ZS1JX Peter on 80M SSB GW3YDX Ron on 160M CW EI3IO Dave on 160M CW EL2DX on 160M CW G0REK on 80M CW MM0SJH on 160M SSB KW7Y on 15M AM recorded by …
W2SJW - Radio Sounds
This was recorded from a Motorola Type-II trunking system, but the sound will be similar on a Phase-I P25 system. Encryption on TDMA - This is what encryption sounds like on a radio capable of receiving TDMA P25 audio. This was recorded from the new Berks County, PA 700MHz Phase-II trunking system. The audio appears to have more of a 'sweeping ...
EA6VQ - Listen to some recorded Ham-Radio sounds
Listen how the different VHF&up propagation modes sound. Listen to KB8RQ calling CQ on 144 MHz. via the moon as received in my station. (MP3, 90 Kb) Listen to my own echoes off the moon (MP3, 84 Kb) Listen to my signal as received by DD0VF via the moon (4x7 elements) (MP3 88Kb) RN6BN in SSB (64x15 elem.), received by SM5CUI via the moon on 2m. (MP3 - 340 Kb)
Audio Files - The Rob, Anybody & Dawn Show - RAD Radio
RAD Audio Files - Download Audio Straight To Your Device
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