We have collected the most relevant information on Hoer Wege Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Audiophile's guide to bit perfect USB Audio - hoer-wege
Macintosh: go into audio midi setup and adjust the sample rate. suggest setting it to the native sample rate of the audio files being played PC: go to Quicktime player, options and adjust the output sample r or Windows 7, please select Windows Audio session (WASAPI) as the output method. perfect USB Audio Audiophile's guide to bit perfect USB ‘
Aries G1 + $600 Hoer Wege PSU Upgrade (+++ audio ...
A few months ago I decided to investigate the recommendations in a few Auralic forums about the Hoer Wege power supply upgrade for the G1. It's a significant investment (540 euros), and required an internal swap out, but it made a huge difference to the audio quality of the G1.
Hifi Werkstatt Hoer-Wege | Cambridge Audio US
Gallberg 40. 28790 Schwanewede. Germany. view on map Directions. Opening times ( 24h / 12h )
Audiophile's guide to bit perfect USB Audio DE - hoer-wege
Title: Microsoft Word - Audiophile's guide to bit perfect USB Audio_DE.docx Author: emmap Created Date: 4/5/2012 1:56:52 PM
FS: Auralic Aries G1 Streamer - with £460 Hoer Wege ...
A few months ago I decided to investigate the recommendations in a few Auralic forums about the Hoer Wege power supply upgrade for the G1. It's a significant investment (540 euros), and required an internal swap out, but it made …
hoer-wege.de - Willkommen bei der HiFiWERKSTATT hoer-wege ...
hoer-wege.de : Die HiFiWERKSTATT hoer-wege ist der Spezialist für sehr musikalisch klingender, extrem hochwertiger Schaltungen und Geraete, wie z.B. DA-Wandler, CD-Laufwerke, Streamer, Vorstufen, Phono-Vorstufen, Endstufen und Stromversorgungen mit NiMH-ACCUS. Außerdem sind wir die Spezialisten zur fachgerechten Modifikation sehr vieler Geraete, so dass es …
Now you know Hoer Wege Audio
Now that you know Hoer Wege Audio, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.