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How to Add Audiobooks to iTunes


How to Add Audiobooks (AAX/AA/M4B/MP3) to iTunes

    Now select "Audiobook" in the top menu bar, you will see your imported MP3 audiobooks from there. 3. Add M4B Audiobooks to iTunes. M4B is an audiobook file format mostly used by iTunes audiobooks. Different from an .m4a audio file, the .m4b extension file can contain audiobook info such as chapter markers, images, hyperlinks, etc.

How to Convert MP3 to Audiobook in iTunes - Epubor.com

    Drag and drop MP3 files into iTunes. Choose "Music" section. The imported MP3 files will appear in "Recently Added" catalog. Or click "File" option on the navigation bar. Choose "Add File to Library" or "Add Folder to Library" to import MP3 audio files. The imported files will be displayed in "Recently Added" catalog of the Music section.

How to Convert MP3 to Audiobooks with iTunes

    Import MP3 Audio Files to iTunes First, open iTunes, drag and drop MP3 files into iTunes. Choose the "Music" section. Second, click "File" on the navigation bar, choose "Add File to Library" or "Add Folder to Library" to import MP3 audio files. 2. Move MP3 to "Audiobook" Section Step 1. Go to "Music > Recently Added". Step 2.

How to Add Audiobooks to iTunes - Epubor.com

    Add MP3 audiobooks Audiobooks library in iTunes Right click the book cover of the audiobook and select " Album Info " from the menu. In the pop up winodw, Click on " Option " button and then change the " Media kind " from "Music"to "Audiobook", and on "Ok" to finish it. Then you can see MP3 audiobooks has been added to audiobook library in iTunes.

How to Import MP3 Audiobooks into iTunes - Aldoblog

    Open iTunes, and arrange its window on one side of your monitor. Insert the MP3 CD, and allow it to mount on your Desktop (or My Computer in Windows). Open the CD, and arrange its window in list view on the other side of your monitor, side-by-side with iTunes. email hidden; JavaScript is required mp3-side-by-side@2x.png ">

[Hot] How to Add Auidobooks to iTunes with Ease

    To import common audiobooks to iTunes, you can follow the guide below. Step 1. Launch iTunes. Click File > Add File to Library. It will open up a window for you to browse your audiobooks. Step 2. Navigate the folders to locate and highlight your audiobooks. Then click the Open button to import all of your files.

How Do I Add An MP3 Audiobook To iTunes To Sync To …

    Launch iTunes on your Mac and add the MP3 audiobook file via drag and drop or by going to File > Add to Library (Command-O). Once the file has been imported, find it in iTunes, select the item, and go to File > Get Info (Command-I).

Convert MP3 to Audiobook - 2 Best Ways - AudFree

    Launch iTunes app on your PC and add MP3 audiobook files to iTunes library by clicking the 'File' > Add File to Library' or directly dragging and dropping them into the main interface of iTunes. Step 2. You can locate all imported MP3 files under the 'Music' > 'Recently Added' section. Step 3.

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