We have collected the most relevant information on How To Pronounce Chinese Words Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Chinese Pronunciation Dictionary | HowToPronounce.com
Trending on HowToPronounce. 錢小豪 [zh] 谭俊彦 [zh] Dongyun [zh] collar [zh] 鄺美雲 [zh] 雲頂香港 [zh] 張有興 [zh] 京东 [zh]
Chinese Pronunciation - Audio Lessons - Rocket Languages
Chinese Tones & Accents: First tone = flat or high level. Second tone = rising or high rising. Third tone = falling-rising or low. Fourth tone = falling or high-falling. Neutral tone = short and crisp.
Mandarin Chinese Pinyin Pronunciation (Better Chinese ...
http://www.BetterChinese.com Learn pinyin pronunciation in less than 5 minutes! Watch now to learn how to pronounce Chinese vowel and consonant sounds. Bette...
Chinese Words with Audio - Learn Languages
Chinese Words with Sound. The table below contains a list of the Chinese words with audio. To hear the audio, click GET FLASH TO HEAR AUDIO shown at the beginning of the list of words. To help you read and also hear the words the way they're pronounced by a native, simply hover with your mouse over each image to listen to the pronunciation.
Chinese Pronunciation: The Complete Guide for Beginner
What is Pinyin? Chinese is not a phonetic language. The pronunciation is not related to the …
Mandarin Chinese pronunciation dictionary
Most consulted pronunciations in Mandarin Chinese. 中国 pronunciation 中国. 你好 pronunciation 你好. 日本 pronunciation 日本. 我 pronunciation 我. 北京 pronunciation 北京. 人 pronunciation 人. 谢谢 pronunciation 谢谢. 再见 pronunciation 再见.
Word dictionary - audio - MDBG Chinese Dictionary
收音. shōu yīn . *收音* | 收音* | *收音. to receive a radio signal / to make an audio recording / (of an auditorium etc) to have good acoustics / (vocal training, linguistics) ending (of a word or syllable) 导览. dǎo lǎn . *导览* | 导览* | *导览. (visitor, tour, audio etc) guide / guided tour / (site) navigator / to guide.
How to pronounce Chinese | HowToPronounce.com
How to say Chinese in English? Pronunciation of Chinese with 3 audio pronunciations, 7 synonyms, 2 meanings, 14 translations, 42 sentences and more for Chinese.
How to pronounce chinese names - Rutgers University
Pinyin Pronunciation (cont’d) – iu as the 'io' in "O solo mio" – o as the 'o' in "or" – ou as the 'oa' in "boat" or 'oe' in "Joe" – u as the 'u' in "flute" (American pronunciation) or 'oo' in "woo" (British) BUT after q, j, x and y, as a German umlauted u – ü As in the German umlauted u, sometimes written as
How to Pronounce Common Chinese Names | School of ...
q. * Try to add a “t” sound to the front of the “x” sound in Chinese (see below). x. *It’s pronounced similar to the “sh” in “she” but the tongue is low and flat. Place the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth and raise the middle of your tongue to the roof of your mouth. zh. je rk.
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