We have collected the most relevant information on How To Reduce Powerpoint File Size With Audio. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Compressing A Powerpoint File with Audio - YouTube
A Powerpoint slide show with audio narration can grow to gigantic sizes. But you can compress the file to shrink it down to a size that's right for email.
How to Compress Video and Audio Media in PowerPoint …
To compress video and audio media in a PowerPoint file: Save a copy of the presentation that contains the video and / or audio you want to compress. The media files must be embedded, not linked. Online videos (such as YouTube videos) will not be compressed. Open the copy of the presentation. Click the File tab in the Ribbon. Select Info.
Reduce the file size of your PowerPoint presentations
Select a picture in your document. The Picture Format tab appears. On the Picture Format tab, in the Adjust group, select Compress Pictures. Under Compression options, do any of the following: Make sure that Apply only to this picture is not selected so …
10 Ways to Compress PowerPoint Presentations to …
Compress pictures. One of the most common ways to reduce file size is to compress one or …
How to reduce narrated powerpoint file size | Teaching ...
1. Open the copy of your Powerpoint file. 2. Click ‘File’ tab at the top-left. 3. Click the ‘Compress Media’ button. 4. You will see some options – choose the option for 480 (standard) or (email) if you have that option. Depending on your version of powerpoint you may not get any options but it will start right away.
How to Compress PowerPoint | 6 Ways to Reduce …
Compress Images in PowerPoint. If you have lots of images in your presentation, you can …
How to Reduce the File Size of a PowerPoint Presentation
How to Compress Audio and Video in Powerpoint 2010 - …
Compress your media files - support.microsoft.com
Compress your media files. Open the presentation that contains the audio or video files. On the File tab, select Info, and then in the Multimedia section, select Compress Media *. To specify the quality of the video, which in turn, determines the size of the video, select one of …
How can I reduce the size of my PowerPoint file in Office ...
1. With PowerPoint open, click PowerPoint on the menu bar at the top of the screen and choose Preferences... 2. Choose the Save tab 3. At the bottom of the window, check the box for "Compress graphics files". This will automatically compress all graphics in your PPT files.
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