We have collected the most relevant information on Htaccess Addtype Audio/Ogg Oga Ogg Addtype Video/Ogg Ogv. Open the URLs, which are collected below, and you will find all the info you are interested in.
Useful .htaccess rules for all websites | .htaccess made …
Here are some of my favorite .htaccess rules that I add to most of my personal sites and client projects. ... ttc ttf AddType image/svg+xml svg svgz AddEncoding gzip svgz # AUDIO AddType audio/mp4 m4a f4a f4b AddType audio/ogg oga ogg # VIDEO AddType video/mp4 mp4 m4v f4v f4p AddType video/ogg ogv AddType video/webm webm AddType …
MIME types in .htaccess with or without leading dot ...
Most of the time, it was suggested to add some MIME types in my .htaccess file. Something like: AddType video/mp4 mp4 m4v AddType audio/mp4 m4a AddType video/ogg ogv AddType audio/ogg ogg oga AddType video/webm webm. Some people suggested the same, but with a leading dot:
The ultimate .htaccess file. Please feel free to fork it ...
AddType audio/ogg oga ogg: AddType audio/mp4 m4a f4a f4b # # Video # AddType video/ogg ogv: AddType video/mp4 mp4 m4v f4v f4p: AddType video/webm webm: AddType video/x-flv flv # # SVG # Required for svg webfonts on iPad
Setting up Mime Types on your server · WebPlatform Docs
AddType video/ogg .ogv AddType video/mp4 .mp4 AddType video/webm .webm Apache HTTPD server - .htaccess. There may be times when you don’t have access to edit the global configuration file or may want to make an exception by changing the global settings.
HTML5 Audio — The State of Play | HTML5 ... - HTML5 …
# AddType TYPE/SUBTYPE EXTENSION AddType audio/mpeg mp3 AddType audio/mp4 m4a AddType audio/ogg ogg AddType audio/ogg oga AddType audio/webm webma AddType audio/wav wav Client Side # When defining sources in your code or markup, you can also specify the MIME type, which will help the browser identify the media correctly.
Now you know Htaccess Addtype Audio/Ogg Oga Ogg Addtype Video/Ogg Ogv
Now that you know Htaccess Addtype Audio/Ogg Oga Ogg Addtype Video/Ogg Ogv, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with information on similar questions.